Thursday, August 16, 2018

Germany: Muslim migrant who sexually abused 7 children released after only 7 months


If he hadn’t been a Muslim migrant, but had instead been a native German, would he have been released after seven months? What do you think?
“Afghan migrant who sexually abused seven children in Germany released after only 7 months,” Voice of Europe, August 5, 2018:
An Afghan migrant who sexually abused at least seven children in Germany is released after only seven months in prison, the newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine reports.
The man was sentenced for exposing himself to the children in streetcars in the city of Augsburg. On tram lines he sat down with girls as young as ten and exposed his genitals while masturbating….
The recognised refugee was released after only seven months in jail after an agreement between his defense lawyer Michael Bauer, the prosecutor Hannah Witzigmann and the court.
The refugee now gets a probation officer and a carer at his side, because according to the court, he alone ‘is not in a position to master his life in freedom’.

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