Thursday, August 16, 2018

Gloria.TV News : The Pennsylvania Grand Jury Hoax

The Pennsylvania Grand Jury Hoax


Catholic League’s Bill Donohue has called the Pennsylvania grand jury report on alleged clerical abuses an "ongoing war on the Catholic Church", strewn with lies, hypocrisy, bigotry, and corruption.

Donohue reminds that this war started in 2001 when Philadelphia District Attorney Lynne Abraham received the charge “to investigate the sexual abuse of minors by individuals associated with religious organizations.” But she picked only the Catholic Church. In 2005, Abraham gave up: not a single priest was prosecuted.

Round 2 of the war was started in 2010 by Abraham’s successor, Seth Williams. His star witness was Daniel Gallagher whom court-ordered evaluations described as “immature», "self-indulgent,” and “hedonistic.” Gallagher was a chronic liar, an alcoholic, a drug addict, and a thief. His own mother testified against him. Williams found him persuasive.

Williams started one of the most incredibly unethical trials in recent memory against Msgr. Lynn who was convicted of not doing enough to protect minors from predatory priests. The decision was overturned by the state Supreme Court because Williams had treated jurors with endless testimony about alleged abuses having nothing to do with Lynn. Williams is now in jail after he was found guilty of bribery.

Round 3 of the war started in 2014 when Altoona-Johnstown Bishop Mark Bartchak had immediately notified police upon learning of the conduct of an abuser. Instead of congratulating him, Attorney General Kathleen Kane launched a grand jury investigation of six Pennsylvania dioceses. Donohue calls this "a rank expression of anti-Catholicism." Kane is now sitting in prison for abusing her office.

Round 4 started under Kane’s successor, Josh Shapiro who released the grand jury report who contains almost exclusively old cases extending back to the 1940s involving men who are either dead or were thrown out of the priesthood. Donohue comments: "Catholics in Pennsylvania are being played by some very sinister, dishonest, hypocritical and vindictive officials."

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