Sunday, August 12, 2018

I do not have to follow Rahner and Ratzinger who are in schism with the past popes on EENS and in heresy,with their use of a false premise, in the interpretation of the Catechisms, Vatican Council II,Nicene Creed, EENS etc.

When Catholics say that the Church teaches that the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) are exceptions to the old teaching on outside the Church there is no salvation, and so everybody does not need to enter the Church, they are really saying that there are visible and known people, for them, who are saved outside the Church.
This is false.
There are no known people saved outside the Church, past or present. 
Since if anyone is saved outside the Church it would only be known to God.There is no  one on earth, whom the Church recognises, who could say that someone is in Heaven without faith and baptism.
We cannot say for example, that there were five BOD cases this year all without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.We cannot say that a St. Emerentiana  went to Heaven without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church since someone saw her there in this state.
No one during their lifetime saw St. Emerentiana or St. Victor in Heaven, without the baptism of water.
How can she be an exception to the ordinary means of salvation, which is faith and baptism.The norm for salvation is membership in the Catholic Church.
One can speculate but a speculation is a theoretical case and cannot be a practical exception to EENS.So every one needs to be a member of the Catholic Church and no speculative case can be an exception.BOD, BOB and I.I are not examples of salvation outside the Church.They are speculation, things hoped-for.
After the Resurrection of Jesus every one needs to be baptized with water for salvation. Every one needs to enter the  only Church Jesus founded, to avoid Hell.Those who accept Jesus and his Sacrifice for them and who call upon his name, while living his teachings in the Catholic Church, will be saved.
Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation. This has been the teaching of the Church for centuries( John 3:5,Mark 16:16 etc).The saints Aquinas and Augustine  and the popes over the centuries , did not teach that there were known cases of BOD,BOB and I.I  or that they know of objective exceptions, to all needing to enter the Church.
We also know today that there are no practical exceptions to EENS. We cannot meet or see someone in 2018 saved outside the Church with BOD, BOB and I.I.
So when the popes and saints did not say there were objective exceptions to EENS and when we cannot know of anyone today saved without Catholic faith and the baptism of water, why should we accept his new  teaching, which is irrational and cannot be part of the Deposit of the Faith.
Exceptions to EENS is a new teaching in the Church promoted by liberal theologians like Rahner and Ratzinger who misuse the name 'magisterium' to preach their own agenda.

I affirm EENS without BOD, BOB and I.I being exceptions.
I affirm BOD, BOB and I.I without them being visible and known people, saved outside the Church.

I reject EENS with BOD, BOB and I.I being exceptions.
I reject BOD, BOB and I.I when they are interpreted as being known people saved outside the Church.
I affirm Vatican Council II without it being an exception to EENS.
I reject Vatican Council II when LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, are assumed to be known examples of non Catholics,  saved outside the Church.This would only be speculation.
Image result for Photo of Rahner and Ratzinger
I do not have to follow Rahner and Ratzinger who are in schism with the past popes on EENS and in heresy,with their use of a false premise, in the interpretation of the Catechisms, Vatican Council II,Nicene Creed, EENS etc.
-Lionel Andrades 

AUGUST 10, 2018

Chris Ferrara, Mons.Clifford Joseph Fenton, Fr. John Hardon, Plinio CorrĂȘa de Oliveira, Michael Davis, Dietrich von Hildebrand, Attila Guimares, Fr. Nicholas Gruner, John Vennari and others did not know about it

 AUGUST 11, 2018

How can Louie Verrecchio and the SSPX call themselves traditionalists?

 AUGUST 11, 2018

Vatican Council II has to be read carefully.Be aware of the error in the text which has come from 1949-Boston

 AUGUST 6, 2018

Questions for the traditionalists

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