Thursday, August 9, 2018

Newly founded Both Lives Matter org fights to keep N. Ireland’s pro-life laws

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August 6, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – In 2017, Dawn McAvoy, a Northern Ireland Christian, co-founded Both Lives Matter. A pro-life advocacy group, its aims are:
  • To re-frame the abortion debate in Northern Ireland and beyond
  • To advocate for better care in pregnancy crisis
  • To create a life-affirming culture that values each woman and her unborn child
  • To safeguard the current law which protects both women and unborn children
Wishing to remind the Northern Ireland public of the benefits of its strict abortion laws, in January 2017 Both Lives Matter conducted a billboard campaign with the headline: "100,000 people are alive today because of our laws on abortion. Why change that?"
In response to the placement of the billboards, 14 complaints were lodged with the Advertising Standards Authority. It found that: "On balance…the evidence indicated that there was a reasonable probability that around 100,000 people were alive in Northern Ireland today who would have otherwise been aborted had it been legal to do so."
The '100,000' billboard campaign went on to win the Northern Ireland Public Affairs Campaign of the Year for 2017.

Northern Irish pro-life leader Dawn McAvoy

Recently, Dawn McAvoy was part of a delegation of pro-life women from every section of Northern Ireland society who came to the Westminster Parliament to lobby against any change in the current laws pertaining to abortion in Northern Ireland. Currently those laws are under attack from an on-going campaign by British and Irish politicians from outside the jurisdiction.
LifeSiteNews interviewed McAvoy about Both Lives Matter and the campaign to protect Northern Ireland’s pro-life laws.

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