Monday, August 6, 2018

One more nunnery to close

One more nunnery to close

When nuns do not interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism and in harmony with extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( Feeneyite) then this must be the result.
If they affirmed Vatican Council II and EENS Feeneyite they would be speaking the truth. They would be saying that only the Catholic Church is the way to get to Heaven.
They would be saying that all young people who die outside the Church  would be going to  Hell.Since they would end their life without faith and baptism which is needed for salvation( Ad Gentes 7,Vatican Council II ).
They would be threathened.
They would be persecuted. Their faith would be strong.
Their faith would get stronger.They would know that they could be killed any time.They would know that their life is precious and their work is important.
They would know that the Catholic faith is not just a social thing. It has serious consequences.
The lay people would see this  and they would want to help.Many of them.
They would be inspired like the saints and martyrs of the past who believed in EENS.Their life would take on a new meaning since their faith would be different.
So it is important for all Catholics to affirm Vatican Council II and EENS, not according to the present two popes and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
They must not affirm Vatican Council II and EENS like the traditionalists or the liberals.
They must understand that the Catholic Faith does not change though it has been changed by the traditionalists, conservatives and liberals.
They need to independently, affirm Vatican Council II and EENS without the irrational premise, without the Cushingite theology, without the nonsense which is approved for the Catholic Church by the Jewish Left rabbis holding the Anti-Semitic weapon pointed at the Church.
The Religious Sisters today need to form new communities and register themselves as lay societies.They must live the vows of poverty.Strict poverty, depending fully on God's Providence, like the communities of St. Theresa of Avila. Then they must affirm EENS, just like St. Theresa of Avila.They would live their vocation today, without rejecting Vatican Council II and the Catechism of Catholic Church, which they would interpret with Feeneyism, which is rational and traditional as a philosophy and theology.-Lionel Andrades


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