Monday, August 6, 2018

Pakistan: Anti-blasphemy party whose leader has vowed to nuke the Netherlands does well in elections

Pakistan: Anti-blasphemy party whose leader has vowed to nuke the Netherlands does well in elections


Jihad Watch reported on July 8 that hundreds of candidates in the Pakistani elections were backed by jihad terror groups and supporters of blasphemy laws, and on July 11 that Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan (TLP)’s leader Khadim Hussain Rizvi said: “If they give me the atom bomb I would remove Holland from the face of the earth before they can hold a competition of caricatures… I will wipe them off the face of this earth.” Pakistan also allowed three candidates on the UN terror watch to run in elections.
Rizvi’s party did well in the elections:
A relatively new anti-blasphemy party whose leader has reportedly vowed to nuke the Netherlands should he ever come to power did surprisingly well in Pakistan’s elections last week.
This could lead to more severe persecution for Christians who already live a precarious existence because of Islamic blasphemy laws in Pakistan. A report by Christian watchdog Open Doors USAstates:
Much of the Christian persecution in Pakistan comes from radical Islamic groups that flourish and expand under the favor of political parties, the army and the government…these radical Islamic groups run thousands of madrassas, Islamic education centers where youth are taught and encouraged to persecute religious minorities like Christians.
Lies about Christians committing blasphemy are the norm in Pakistan; blasphemy laws are used for settling personal scores and often “those who accuse Christians of blasphemy take the punishment for the ‘crime’ into their own hands, leading to beatings and killings.”
“Pakistan election sees rise of anti-blasphemy party,” AFP, July 31, 2018:
A relatively new anti-blasphemy party whose leader has reportedly vowed to nuke the Netherlands should he ever come to power did surprisingly well in Pakistan’s elections last week, which were tainted by the rise of extremist groups.
Islamic fundamentalist parties fielded more than 1,500 candidates in Pakistan’s provincial and national elections that were won by cricket hero turned politician Imran Khan.
Extremists were a major talking point going into the contest with politicians, including Khan, accused of pandering to their vote base by trumpeting hardline issues such as blasphemy.
Here AFP looks at how the main extremist parties fared during Wednesday’s polls.
– Anti-blasphemy party –
The performance of Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan (TLP), led by radical preacher Khadim Hussain Rizvi, will worry mainstream politicians and human rights activists the most.
The group, founded in 2015, entered the national consciousness last year when it blockaded the capital Islamabad for several weeks calling for stricter enforcement of Pakistan’s controversial blasphemy laws.
It wants the automatic death penalty for anyone deemed to have insulted Islam or the Prophet Muhammad……

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