Friday, August 24, 2018

Pennsylvania PR stunt is shameful, one-sided, and illegal

Donald Wuerl vs. Josh Shapiro
Comment from 

***SPECIAL PA. JURY REPORT ANALYSIS*** PART I: Pushing Aside Media Hysteria: We Uncover Pennsylvania’s Dishonest Grand Jury Report

Fr. Gordon MacRae says:

Maybe only someone who has been falsely accused and wrongfully convicked can fully comprehend the tyranny of using the guilt of someone else as evidence against oneself. 
What the PA Attorney General has done is an unconstitutional abuse of the Grand Jury system. The Grand Jury is convened for the purpose of formulating charges for criminal prosecution. We have to read the small prints to see that the Grand Jury concludes that none of the accused can be charged due to the statute of limitations. It should have ended there. Instead, these government agents in Pennsylvania are using the Grand Jury to try a case in the press that they can not try in a court of law. They allow no defense, no cross examination, no witness except those who support the prosecution, and no due process for the accused many who are dead, while those living have been denied any opportunity to testify. This is not how the American Justice system works in the 21st century. It is how it worked in 1692 in Salem Massachusetts. We can bluster all day about eliminating the statute of limitations but the Supreme Court has ruled that revised criminal statutes cannot be applied retroactively. This PA PR stunt is shameful, one-sided, and illegal.

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