Sunday, August 12, 2018

Repost : Without Feeneyite EENS Vatican Council II becomes a rupture with Tradition

DECEMBER 15, 2017

Without Feeneyite EENS Vatican Council II becomes a rupture with Tradition

Without Feeneyite EENS Vatican Council II becomes a rupture with Tradition.Since when BOD, BOB and I.I are considered exceptions to Feeneyite EENS, then it means that BOD, BOB and I.I refer to known peoplesaved outside the Church. These are known cases of BOD, BOB and I.I for them to be exceptions.Invisible people cannot be exceptions to all needing to be incorporated into the Church with no known exception for salvation in the present times(2017).
With Feeneyite EENS it would mean that the signatories do not consider BOD, BOB and I.I as being exceptions to EENS. They are not exceptions since obviously they refer to hypothetical cases.Theycannot be known people saved outside the Church.So if the signatories affirmed Feeneyite EENS then they would be saying that Vatican Council II is not a rupture with the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church.
But they do not affirm Feeneyite EENS. While I do so as a Catholic.1

DECEMBER 15, 2017

Faithful to true doctrine, not to erring pastors

Pledge of Fidelity signatories reject de fide teachings of the Catholic Church and support a new irrational theology

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