Monday, August 27, 2018

Some reactions to the Viganò Testimony. – UPDATED

Some reactions to the Viganò Testimony. – UPDATED

Some reactions to the Viganò Testimony.
First, Massimo “Beans” Faggioli on Twitter.

There are three popes accused by Vigano's testimony. One is dead and a saint.
The one who took visible and public action against McCarrick in 2018 is pope Francis.
The rest is a story with many holes, gaps, unexplained delays, and remarkable silences by former nuncio Vigano.

Really, Beans. You can do better.
Viganò explained precisely the things you mention.
Few people have more skin in the game than homosexualist activist James Martin, SJ. Vigano wrote quite a bit about the “deviant” wing of the Jesuits, pointing out Martin in particular. If Vigano is right, then Martin’s cred is done. Martin attacked Vigano on Twitter, deleted, but others had it already and re-posted. Thanks, to Thom Peters!

A different perspective shows how those around Francis treated people in the conservative end of the spectrum:

Thinking about Fr Manelli, founder of the FFI, who abused no one. Guilty only of embracing Summorum Pontificum and a traditional spirituality. Placed under house arrest. Denied even a visit to his parents grave. Saw his life work dismantled. All the while Francis KNEW (McCarrick)

In the Illustrated Catholic Dictionary, the FFI’s photo would be placed at the entry for “persecution”.
In Italy, I am told, the papers and sites are pretty hot. At La Stampa Andrea “Wormtongue” Tornielli writes (in Italian):
The document again offers, in detail, hearsay and information already circulated for at least the last two months in the antipapal and American and European traditionalist media galaxy, seeking to place all responsibility on the shoulders of the present Pope.
See what he did there?
The fact remains that everyone knew what McCarrick was, including Pope Francis, who had been informed. Pope Francis not only did not do anything about McCarrick, he rehabilitated him.
Il Messaggero, on the other hand, accepts the Testimony. In its story, we are reminded about the financial clout certain prelates, now being defended by Martin, Beans, Wormtongue and the rest, had in Rome. Oh, and there’s the “gay” angle.
A dossier (made known by various blogs and critical headlines about Pope Bergoglio) fell like a lightning bolt on the Pope’s trip to Ireland, … In this Testimony, signed by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, ex-nuncio to the USA (who was in his time at the origin of Vatileaks during the reign of Benedict XVI, uncovering a corrupt financial system infiltrated by the gay lobby) there are very heavy testimonies about one of the most obscene cases of coverup of a system of pedophiles, that of Card. Theodore McCarrick, once Archbishop of Washington and munificent financier of the Holy See.
It goes on to mention Wuerl also as a “generous benefactor” for the Vatican.  McCarrick founded the Papal Foundation in 1988.  Big money.
Nichole of AP, dear Nichole can always be counted on, can be found in the McClatchy paper, the anti-Catholic Kansas City Star. Watch the language she uses.
The National Catholic Register and another conservative site, LifeSiteNews, published the letter attributed to Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano on Sunday as the pope wrapped up a two-day visit to Ireland dominated by the clerical sex abuse scandal.
Viganò, 77, a conservative whose hard-line anti-gay views are well known, urged the reformist pope to resign over the issue and what he called the “conspiracy of silence” about McCarrick. He and the pope have long been on opposite ideological sides, with the pope more a pastor and Vigano more a cultural warrior.
The letter also contains a lengthy diatribe about homosexuals and liberals in the Catholic church. It often reads like an ideological manifesto, naming all of Francis’ known supporters in the U.S. hierarchy as being complicit in a cover-up of McCarrick’s misdeeds.
No, no! That’s fine principled reporting! Not an implicit position in it. Nope, objective to the end.
Then she winds up with the old smear stories. That’s the tactic now. Discredit Viganò by reminding people of the Pope’s meeting with Kim Davis (who refused to sign same-sex marriage certificates) and Archbp. Neinstedt, who resigned after not taking care of credible accusations made about priests, but whose TRUE crime was his strong opposition to legalization of same-sex marriage through a change to the Minnesota Constitution.
At the National Sodomotical Reporter (aka Fishwrap) there is nothing yet from Madame Wile E. Defarge (aka Michael Sean Winters) but there is a “news” piece.   There is something telling in it:
NCR has chosen not to name prelates identified by Vigano in his report except in cases where the officials were known to be his or McCarrick’s direct superiors or predecessors, due to the inability to corroborate the former ambassador’s account.
No no… they’re not carrying any water for anyone.  Nosirrrrrreeeee!
Madame Wile E. Lafarge has issued his reaction.  It is predictable.
It is mainly character assassination and complaining about the focus Viganò gave to Lafarge’s own predilections.  That’s surely what set him off. Given Madame’s inclinations, you can understand why he would speak so virulently of Viganò.
He also trotted out of a couple of his favorite words!  “Putsch” and “vemon”.

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