Monday, August 6, 2018

Whispers of Restoration a group of anonymous traditionalists,heretics and schismatics, who interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, with a false premise, and so create a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), the Syllabus of Errors and past Catechisms

The team at Whispers of Restoration have not responded to these blog posts and for me remain a group of anonymous traditionalists,heretics and schismatics, who interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, with a false premise, and so create a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and the Syllabus of Errors.They are in schism with the past popes on EENS since down the centuries, the popes did not assume there were invisible baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible cases which were objective exceptions to the dogma EENS and the past ecclesiology of the Church.They did not mistake hypothetical cases as being non hypothetical.
The traditional catechisms placed on Whispers of Restoration are interpreted  with a false premise.The anonymous team at the website use Cushingism.So  BOD, BOB and I.I become a rupture with the past ecclesiolgy of the Church.They are a rupture with all those popes on salvation.
Whispers of Restoration interpret the traditional catechisms on their website, with the false premise( visible BOD, BOB and I.I).So this creates a rupture, with the past popes.
It is also a rupture with those of us today who interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise.
For those of us today who interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism( invisible non Catholics are not visible in the present times), there is no rupture with BOD, BOB and I.I when they are mentioned in the traditional Catechisms( Council of Trent etc)-
The anonymous team in ignorance of Cushingism, invites the criticism  of the liberals, who are also Cushingites.The liberals do not know about an alternative way to interpret Magisterial documents.They only know of Vatican Council II (Cushingite) in which BOD, BOB and I.I are practical exceptions to EENS. So would consider the anonymous team at this website in heresy for not affirming Vatican Council II (Cushingite).
The traditionalists at Whispers of Restoration, are also creating unnecessary confusion  for conservative Catholics, who interpret all magisterial documents with Feeneyism.Since they do not have to reject the past ecclesiology, the old catechisms,Vatican Council II, the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994), all, interpreted with Feeneyism i.e invisible people are invisible, BOD, BOB and I.I refer to hypothetical cases only and so are not objective, practical exceptions to traditional EENS.
Whispers of Restoration with their visible for them BOD, BOB and I.I reject Feeneyite EENS, a Feeneyite past ecclesiology, a Feeneyite Syllabus of Errors, Feeneyite traditional Catechisms,a Feeneyite Nicene Creed....
Whispers of Restoration reflects an obsolete school of Catholic traditionalists.They are innocently and simply ignorant of Feeneyism as an interpretative tool.So they are also not aware that they are in heresy and schism, as are the liberals and Vatican ecclesiastics and the two popes, since they all interpret  magisterial documents, with the New Theology, Cushingite Theology.-Lionel Andrades

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