Monday, August 6, 2018

Tommy Robinson freed on bail

Tommy Robinson freed on bail


“On Wednesday, the Court of Appeal ordered his release, pending a new hearing in his case. The court questioned the speed with which he had been tried and convicted, noting that it took five hours from the time of his arrest to a conviction.”
It was only just to free Tommy Robinson, and lessens the impression that Britain is becoming a police state in which it is illegal to criticize Islam and mass Muslim migration in Britain today. Britain is still on that road, but apparently in this case the May government was feeling too much pressure to keep Tommy in prison.
Meanwhile, note the contempt and the vicious bias of this New York Times piece. This is Leftist propaganda disguised as a news story. Tommy is “anti-Muslim,” the universal label applied to those who oppose jihad terror and Sharia oppression of women, gays, etc. Was opposing the Nazis “anti-German”?
Tommy is also a “far-right activist.” Anyone, no matter how socially liberal and how committed to the principles of secular, republican rule, is “far-right” for opposing jihad terror and Sharia oppression. There is no substance to the term other than to try to equate such opposition with Nazism.
The Times semaphores to its dwindling Leftist readership, if the point weren’t clear enough already, that Tommy is not to have their support, for he is supported by “former Trump aide Stephen K. Bannon but reviled by others who call him a violent purveyor of hate.” Who calls him a “violent purveyor of hate”? Hope Not Hate, a Leftist smear group akin to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Then there is the open libel that Robinson’s “divisive, anti-Muslim rhetoric has resulted in acts of violence,” he added, the most extreme of which occurred when a man, inspired by Mr. Robinson, rammed a van into a congregation of Muslims leaving a mosque in north London in January.”
In reality, there was no “inspiration” from Robinson, who never called for any attacks on mosques. The Times makes this connection based on a mass email that the perpetrator received, which itself did not call for or justify any violence. The Times rushes to connect Robinson to this incident, while it can never quite see the connection between Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” while killing people and the violent passages of the Qur’an.
“Tommy Robinson, Anti-Muslim Activist, Is Freed on Bail in U.K.,” by Palko Karasz, New York Times, August 1, 2018:
LONDON — Tommy Robinson, the jailed British far-right activist backed by the former Trump aide Stephen K. Bannon but reviled by others who call him a violent purveyor of hate, was ordered to be freed on bail Wednesday, after challenging his conviction for contempt of court.
Mr. Robinson was arrested in May after he live-streamed a video from outside a criminal trial in Leeds, England, which had a news media blackout, revealing the defendants’ identities. He was sentenced to 13 months in prison for contempt of court, provoking an international outcry in far-right circles.
On Wednesday, the Court of Appeal ordered his release, pending a new hearing in his case. The court questioned the speed with which he had been tried and convicted, noting that it took five hours from the time of his arrest to a conviction.
Who is Tommy Robinson?
Anti-Muslim activist

Mr. Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, is the founder of the English Defense League, an anti-Islam and anti-immigration movement, known for violent street protests.
Born and raised in Luton, north of London, he worked at the town’s international airport but lost that job for assaulting an off-duty police officer. He was also arrested after being accused of inciting soccer violence, as a supporter of the Luton soccer club.
“Wherever he has gone in his career he organized demonstrations that have resulted in extreme violence,” said Joe Mulhall, a senior researcher at Hope Not Hate, a London-based organization that researches hate groups.
“His divisive, anti-Muslim rhetoric has resulted in acts of violence,” he added, the most extreme of which occurred when a man, inspired by Mr. Robinson, rammed a van into a congregation of Muslims leaving a mosque in north London in January….

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