Monday, August 13, 2018

U.S Congress and ADL in for a surprise : Vatican Council II is deceptive

The U.S Congress a few years back passed a motion on Vatican Council II and Nostra Aetate. So important is the Council for the Zionists.
Even the Jewish Left rabbis in Rome have been insisting that the Catholic Church follow Vatican Council II and Pope Benedict assured them that it was done. This was in the media.
But all of them do not know that Vatican Council II has a surprise of its own.It has built in trouble for them.It was dormant waiting to explode.
Truth respects no one.
Vatican Council II  can be interpreted without the false premise and everything changes.
The Council is really fundamentalist, racist, bigoted etc according to the values of the Left who represent Satan.
Through fear and threats Satan and the Left have kept this secret hidden.
I have said it many times on this blog, that it depends upon how you read LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc .It also depends upon how you interpret the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance. Are they physically visible or invisible cases? This decides the conclusion you get.
No one has corrected me all these years and so I can assume that 'I am on the highway'.As a good priest said, 'on top of the world'.
The U.S Congress and the ADL are in for a surprise on Vatican Council II.-Lionel Andrades

JUNE 9, 2018

Speakers at the Lepanto Foundation conference in Rome on June 23 do not know that there is a mistake in Lumen Gentium 14,Vatican Council II.They should be discussing it

OCTOBER 24, 2017

Someone needs to help Cardinal Luiz Ladaria, Archbishop Pozzo and Archbishop Di Noia see how they use a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II

NOVEMBER 12, 2009 
Lumen Gentium 14 says all the members of the American Jewish Committee, Anti-Defamation League, National Council of Synagogues, Orthodox Union and Rabbinical Council of America are oriented to Hell

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