Saturday, September 29, 2018

“Credibly” Accused Priest Wins Court Case Against Accuser

“Credibly” Accused Priest Wins Court Case Against Accuser

Father William Graham, a Duluth parish priest on administrative leave, successfully challenged his accuser T. J. Davis, Jr in court, reported (September 24).

Davis, a former police officer, attended a Duluth Catholic High School where Graham taught religion at the time of the alleged offence in 1977.

Duluth diocese ruled Davis’ abuse accusations against Graham as “credible” although Davis' claims were inconsistent and Father Graham passed a lie-detector test.

The jury awarded him $13,500 although he had not asked for a specific amount of money. His lawyer commented, “The jury gave us everything we wanted.”

Nevertheless Duluth Bishop Paul Sirba stated that he “stands by” his [wrong] decision. Father Graham’s removal therefore remains in effect. This means that Sirba is rather willing to destroy a priest than to admit a mistake.

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