Monday, September 17, 2018

Germany: Muslim teen plotted jihad massacres at gay club and Catholic church

Celebrate diversity! Diversity is our strength!
“Turkish teenager who plotted to blow up gay club in Frankfurt arrested,” by Benjamin Weinthal, Jerusalem Post, September 14, 2018 (thanks to David):
German police in the state of Hesse arrested a teenager in September for plotting an Islamic terror attack on a gay club and church in the city of Frankfurt.
An intelligence source in Germany told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday that the state police “arrested a guy named Yusuf Erkocoglu, a young Turkish kid caught planning to blow up a gay club in Frankfurt.”…
The intelligence source confirmed that Erkocoglu also targeted a Catholic church in Frankfurt — the financial center of Germany. German media outlets reported that the 17-year-old suspect has both Turkish and German citizenship….

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