Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Repost : Full of deception

APRIL 19, 2013

Full of deception

Cardinal Walter Kaspar uses wild interpretations of Church texts and makes claims with no supporting text in the Council.He has received an award from the Jewish Left for his important contribution( to the making of a Zionist Catholic Church).
Recently in a report in the L'Osservatore Romano he has said there can be two interpretations of Vatican Council II.This is nonsense.If there can be an interpretation contrary to Tradition there can be numerous interpretations depending on one's fancy.
 He assumes Lumen Gentium 16 etc refers to explcit cases of persons saved in invincible ignorance or a good conscience . So as Prefect of the Congregation for Christian Unity, he had written that Vatican Council II contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.(This report is available on the Vatican website)
He wrote that Pope Pius XII corrected the rigorist interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.
This is false. Where does the Letter say that Fr.Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for heresy instead of disobedience?
Where does the Letter say that invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are physically visible to to us and so is an exception to the traditional teaching on other religions and salvation ?
The text does not say all this.He just takes it for granted and assumes it does.
This is not just the fault of the liberals like Cardinal Kaspar but also of the traditionalists like the SSPX and the sedevacantists.They also support Cardinal Kaspar in the interpretation of the Council.
The Council cannot have two interpretations. It is contrary to the Principle of Non Contradiction.We cannot say every one needs to enter the Church for salvation and at the same time say there are known cases who do not have to convert into the Catholic Church.
Cardinal Kaspar, the SSPX and sedevacantists commit this error. They assume that Lumen Gentium 16,(invincible ignorance) Lumen Gentium 8 (elements of sanctification) etc are not invisible. For them these cases are actually physically visible to us on earth. They allegedly personally know  such cases in 2013; visible ghosts. These dead men walking are implied to be  exceptions to Tradition; to the dogma on salvation and the Syllabus of Errors.
Based on this irrationality they have a new interpretation of Vatican Council II which is a break with the past.So they say there are two interpretations of the Council . One is with the visible dead premise and other without it.
This irrationality is the basis for Cardinal Kaspar's new theology and it is the only interpretation of the Council  that the SSPX seems to understand.

Possibly the Jesuit Pope Francis invited Cardinal Walter Kaspar to write that article indicating the liberal direction his pontificate is to take. He recently, it is reported on Rorate Caeili, referred to 'collegiality' . This is a buzz word used by the liberals and which is not mentioned in the Council.Then he has also recently referred to 'triumphalism'. Here he was  suggesting the Council says LG 16,LG 8 etc refer to visible cases of salvation and so is a break with the 'triumphalistic' past.-Lionel Andrades


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