Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Repost : We cannot meet or know an exception to the dogma in 2014

NOVEMBER 19, 2014

We cannot meet or know an exception to the dogma in 2014

Cyprian: “So the Council in LG 14 first teaches that the Catholic Church is necessary for salvation,

 and then says in UR 3 that Our Lord himself has not refrained from using the sects as “means of salvation”.
Yes and this passage is not an exception to the orthodox one above.
It would be exception if you considered these cases as being visible to us in the present times i.e de facto, known cases in 2014....
They changed the meaning/understanding of “necessary.” Where before it meant it was necessary to be inside the church for salvation, the new meaning/understanding is that it is necessary that this church exists so that it can shoot out its rays of salvation to heretics, schismatic and unbelievers.
If someone is saved in another religion or a Christian sect he would be saved through Jesus and the Church. God would grant him the grace necessary to be a Catholic.
God could send a preacher to him ( St.Thomas Aquinas).
In general non Catholics are oriented to Hell without Catholic Faith and the baptism of water ( Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II, Cantate Domino Council of Florence 1441 etc).So if there is someone saved in another religion, he is not an exception to all needing Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation in 2014.
We cannot meet or know an exception to the dogma in 2014.

And yes…that’s a direct contradiction with the infallibly defined EENS dogma and stands in direct contradiction with the infallible declarations of Vatican One that mandated the same meaning and understanding of dogmas be maintained under pain of anathema.
Yes. Only if you consider these cases as being visible and known to us in 2014.
Otherwise they are irrelevant to the dogma and Tradition.

-Lionel Andrades

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