Friday, September 28, 2018

They did not listen to Fr. Leonard Feeney and now Vatican Council II carries a mistake which cannot be the teaching of the Holy Spirit but is human error.

FROM THE BOOK " BREAD OF LIFE "  by Father  Feeney pages 34 to 40


 From the words of Father Feeney...:
"It is sinful to call men to salvation by offering them “Baptism of Desire.” If this so-called substitute for Baptism of Water were in any sense usual, or common, or likely — or even practical — Jesus Christ would never have told His Apostles to go forth and baptize with water for the regeneration of the world.
Lionel: Agreed.

I have said that a Baptism-of-Desire Catholic is NOT a member of the Church.
Lionel: Agreed. There is no baptism- of- desire Catholic. We cannot know any such case in reality.Literally we cannot see or meet any one saved with the baptism of desire and who now should be in Heaven.

 He cannot be prayed for after death as one of “the faithful departed.” Were he to be revivified immediately after death — were he to come to life again — he would not be allowed to receive Holy Eucharist or any of the other Sacraments until he was baptized by water. Now, if he can get into the Church Triumphant without Baptism of Water, it is strange that he cannot get into the Church Militant without it. It is an odd procedure for priests of the Church Militant to be shunting people off to the Church Triumphant before these people have enrolled in the a Church Militant, which fights the good fight and preserves the Faith.
Lionel: Makes sense to me.We canot know of a single baptism of desire case.

What the Baptism-of-Desire teachers make of Our Lord’s great text, “Unless a man eat My Flesh and drink My Blood he shall not have life in him,” I am very much puzzled to know. Perhaps there is a Eucharist of Desire, as well as a “Baptism of Desire”? And why could there not be Holy Orders of Desire, as the Anglicans would like to have it, or Matrimony of Desire, which would so please the Mormons? And what becomes of the Mystical Body of Christ, made up of invisible members and a visible head — invisible branches on a visible vine? I would very much like to know!
Lionel: He understands. There is no such thing as a baptism of desire for us human beings.

Our priests in America now go around preaching this dry substitute of “Baptism of Desire” for the waters of regeneration. Their “Baptism of Desire” is no longer an antecedent to the Baptism of Water to come. They make it a substitute for Baptism of Water, or rather an excuse for not having it. These priests have brought our Church in the United States into a desert, far removed from the life-giving waters of Christ.
Lionel: Agreed. They are still at it.

Neither “Baptism of Desire” nor “Baptism of Blood” should truly be called Baptism. Neither is a Sacrament of the Church, and neither was instituted by Jesus Christ.
Lionel: Agreed. The liberals in Baltimore called it 'a baptism' in their Catechism.

Suppose a non-baptized person had his choice between Baptism of Water on the one hand, and what is called “Baptism of Blood” on the other. Were he not to choose Baptism of Water, the shedding of his blood would be useless and he would lose his soul. It is Christ’s Blood that counts in Redemption, and the fruits of it in application to Baptism. It is not our blood that counts at this foundational point. And it is only when we have received both the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist that Christ can be said to be shedding His Blood in one of us. This last is the real martyr, and the one who has preserved the Faith.
Lionel: The Sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist are known Sacraments, visible. There is no baptism of desire that we can know of or administer. Fr. Leonard Feeney is correct.

Baptism is a sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ. It is the redemptive power of God’s words in an instituted rite that gives power to the trickle of water and the invocation in the name of the Blessed Trinity. This little trickle of water so administered is worth more than all the blood shed in the history of the world, for any cause whatsoever. This certainly is the testimony of John the Baptist, who preached redemption, not from the shedding of his own blood or the serving of his own head on a platter at a royal dinner.
Saint John the Baptist did not even preach the value of his own baptism in the River Jordan. He preached the value of the Sacrament instituted by One Who joined water and the Holy Ghost as the foundational requirement for entrance into the Kingdom of God, both on earth and in Heaven. And that is why, thank God, though Zachary and Elizabeth’s son was martyred for the Truth, he is not called John the Martyr, but John the Baptist. His is a living testimony that the water of Jesus is more precious than the blood of John.
How beautifully the Blood of Jesus and the Waters of Baptism are linked together in the heart of our Saviour is shown by what happened to Him after He had died and one of the soldiers opened His side with a spear. Immediately there came out Blood and Water, the Blood by which we were redeemed and the Water by which the fruits of Redemption are applied to our souls in the Sacrament of Baptism. Forget this Water that flowed from the heart of Christ, and you will soon forget the Blood that anteceded it.
Lionel: Amen!

When the Vatican Council reconvenes, I humbly plead with our Holy Father the Pope, that he will immediately gather his plenipotentiary powers of infallible pronouncement to clear up the wild confusion of visible orating (on the part of his priests and bishops) about an invisible Church — or else the gates of Hell will have all but prevailed against us. The most visible ruler in the world, our Holy Father, in his white robe and white zuchetto, may well take off his triple tiara and get down from his golden throne, and leave Christianity to the kind of committee arrangements to which it is committed in the present-day America, if we keep on preaching “Baptism of Desire.”
Lionel: The Holy Father and the Council Fathers at Vatican Council II did not listen to Fr. Leonard Feeney. They assumed invisible cases of the baptism of desire were visible exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, which was the mistake in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949. So Lumen Gentium 14 mentions the theoretical case of the un-known catechumen and assumes it is an objective exception to all needing faith and baptism for salvation.This is an objective mistake. Similarly Lumen Gentium 14 suggests only those who are not in invincible ignorance need to enter the Church to avoid Hell again assuming there are known cases of non Catholics saved in invincible ignorance, who are exceptions to the traditional teaching on all needing to be members of the Church for salvation. Again an objective mistake was made which violates the Principle of Non Contradiction.Here a rupture is created with the Catechism of Pope Pius X for example, which affimed the old exclusive ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.
They did not listen to Fr. Leonard Feeney and now Vatican Council II carries a mistake which cannot be the teaching of the Holy Spirit but is human error.

I beseech our Holy Father to clear up this unholy confusion for the love of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom his sacrosanct infallibility has now dogmatically and irrevocably secured as assumed into Heaven, body and soul.
Lionel: He is referring to Pius XII. This is the pope who did not correct the error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.He also did not contradict the secular media when it said that the Church has changed its teaching on exclusive salvation.There was no contradiction also from the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Richard Cushing, the Jesuit Rector at Boston College or the Provincial of the Jesuits.

 It was this glorious Queen who, with roses on her feet and stars about her head, suggested water to a little girl at Lourdes as the indispensable symbol of our salvation. It was this Immaculate Mother who caused a spring to break forth from the dry earth so that our sick might be refreshed by the fountains of her love, as our sinners are sanctified by the baptismal waters of her Son.

If you start to measure Baptism by your own limitations and say, “How can I ever reach the whole world, or how can anyone!'” you have not got a God-established Baptism. You have something man-established, for a finite need. You are then worrying about Baptism and the effects it would have were you to have instituted it, or were salvation to be your private business. In a word, you have no Faith; otherwise you would believe that Baptism is for everybody, as Jesus said it was. "
Lionel: Precisely.
They still do not have Faith.
The Catechism classes have begum here in Italy and the children cannot be told that all non Catholics are on the way to Hell unless they enter and remain in the Catholic Church as members. This is how secularised the Church become. They do not have Faith. We see this apostasy even among the religious who are afraid of  Leftist laws and so have compromised on doctrine and theology.
Fr.Leonard Feeney had it right.
-Lionel Andrades

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