Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Thought police to control Catholic catechesis from Sept.23 in the parishes

Image result for Photos Catechesis for children romaImage result for Photos Catechesis for children roma
The next annual catechesis for young Catholics will begin in the parishes in Italy  and new doctrines will be taught, with a new theology, which is approved by the 'thought-police' here. It meets the standard of the political Left and that of the liberal Jewish rabbis, associated with Israel.

Priests will knowingly tell young Catholics, where Mass is offered in Italian and other vernacular languages, that every one does not need to be a Catholic to be saved. The old teaching has been changed with Vatican Council II.Dogmas can change. Vatican Council II says that a person can be saved in invincible ignorance(LG 16) etc.So there is known salvation outside the Church.
Image result for Photos Catechesis for children roma
If the priest or nun tells the young Catholic, that every one needs to be a member of the Catholic Church to go to Heaven and avoid Hell and that there are only Catholics in Heaven, according to Vatican Council II(AG 7) he or she, will be pulled up by the thought police.
There could be suspension in coordination with the Vatican and leftist groups.

So the priest or nun, with the approval of the bishop, has to tell a lie. Young people are told that Vatican Council II indicates there are known and visible exceptions, to the old teaching on all needing to be a member of the Catholic Church for salvation. 
Vatican Council II does not indicate this.
This is a useful  irrational inference. It is made with the approval of the popes and liberal cardinals and the Jewish Left.
-Lionel Andrades

SEPTEMBER 18, 2018

Thought police in Rome have increased work-load


Image result for Photo Catechesis ChuiesaCattolica in Italiano per bambini

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