Wednesday, September 5, 2018

We have to understand that , for example, the baptism of desire can be interpreted literally or theologically. Literally there are no baptism of desire cases. This is something obvious. There is no baptism of desire case for us human beings since only God can recognise it. There is no such thing as a baptism of desire.However if you tell me, like many have that the Church teaches that there is a baptism of desire, then you are looking at this issue theologically. I would agree with you.

We have to understand that , for example, the baptism of desire can be interpreted literally or theologically. Literally there are no baptism of desire cases. This is something obvious. There is no baptism of desire case for us human beings since only God can recognise it. There is no such thing as a baptism of desire.However if you tell me, like many  have that the Church teaches that there is a baptism of desire, then you are looking at this issue theologically. I would agree with you. The Church does teach it.

But it means that a theology was created at some time when no case of the baptism of desire existed.The baptism of desire was seen as an exception to EENS when there were no baptism of desire cases.
There was no such thing as a baptism of desire for Fr. Leonard Feeney.He denied it.
So now we have a false theology. How can we today say that there is salvation outside the Church when there are no known exceptions to the dogma EENS for us? Where are the practical exceptions today?
Yet this is what was done by the liberal theologians , in 1949 and they were supported by the Masons and the secular media. Pope Pius XII and his cardinals did not issue a correction.Even Archbishop Lefebvre did not object. The error was then repeated as a kind of theme in Vatican Council II.1
-Lionel Andrades



Now once we correct this error then today for us there is no 'magnificent movement of approach begun with the ecumenism of Vatican Council II'. Since we would be back to the old theology

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