Sunday, October 14, 2018

Aasia Bibi is not choosing to become a Muslim.So her Muslim accusers want her dead.Like large swathes of the population, fearful themselves of Islamic law,the demand for her death,is the politically correct thing, to say and do and so protect one's life.

Asia Bibi, a Christian woman, accused of blasphemy in June 2009 and sentenced to death a year later. ─ Reuters/File

For a Catholic Mohammad is in Hell. This is the traditional understanding of the Church.This is how the popes and saints interpreted the Bible.It is the teaching of Vatican Council II and the Catechisms incuding that of Pope John Paul II's Catechism of the Catholic Church,interpreted with Feeneyism and not the New Theology, Cushingism.
So if Aasia Bibi in Pakistan, now before the Supreme Court, would say that Mohammad was not a prophet for her and he was in Hell without 'faith and baptism' (Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II),she would be affirming her Catholic ( Christian) belief.All need 'faith and baptism' for salvation is the teaching of the Catholic Church(AG 7) and so outside the Church there is no salvation.All need to be members of the Catholic Church, the only Church Jesus founded.Those who know about Jesus and the Church need to enter (AG 7) and also all others in general, including those who do not know(Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441  on extra ecclesiam nulla salus etc).The Council refers to 'all'(AG 7).
Catholics are the new people of God, the Chosen People(Nostra Aetate 4,Vatican Council II).They have the Promised Jewish Messiah.They have the ancient temple and Sacrifice, in Holy Mass.It is the  un-bloody Sacrifice of Jesus re-enacted in a Mystical Way.They have the tabernacle which housed the Ark of the Covenant, now with the Eucharist, the Presence of God, as a Person.Catholics have the old Scriptures, including the Jewish Pentateuch, in the Old Testament of their  Bible.
The Catholic Church is the continuation of the Jewish religion.Catholics worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.It is the religion of Yahweh, the One God of Israel,the God who sent His only begotten Son, through the Holy Spirit and one with the Holy Spirit, to Sacrifice Himself.This was an offering for the sins of the world.Opening a way of salvation from Hell for all mankind.Salvation only for all who accept Him and believe in Him, in and through the Catholic Church.The Church is his Mystical Body on earth.It is a Divine Organism, through which he saves all from Hell.
Mohammad knew about Jesus and the Catholic Church.The Koran shows that he misunderstood the Catholic concept of the Holy Trinity and One God. Also his understanding of both the human body and the universe was wrong.It was not inspired by God. He was another Bedouin of his time.
He chose to found a new religion whose many beliefs may not have been from God. Instead of accepting Jesus in the Catholic Church, he created new doctrines which opposed that of the Church of Christ.For this disobedience, Dante Alighieri saw in his mystical experience, God sent him to Hell.Others, in the present times have also seen him in Hell.
Muslims, like Protestants who follow Luther, will all find themselves in the same situation after death on earth. They will go to where Mohammad and Luther are presently.Protestants do not have Catholic Faith. They do not have the faith and moral teachings and the Sacraments of the Catholic Church, through which Christ saves.
This is the teaching of the Catholic Church before and after Vatican Council II.However when a Catholic is before a Sharia Court in Pakistan, he or she is aware, that their understanding is, that every one must accept Allah( God) and Mohammad as the last prophet of God.It is not enough only to accept Allah and there is exclusive salvation in only Mohammad's religion.
There is no separation of mosque and state.Those who do not believe in Mohammad as the last prophet, even if they do believe in Allah, like the Qadianis,do not have equal rights as the majority Sunni Muslim population.Their religious views would be blasphemous.
So if a Catholic freely expresses his Christian beliefs, it is inadequate for a Sharia court.The Christian can be sentenced to death.Unless, in certain cases, he repents, becomes a Muslim and is forgiven  by his Muslim accusers, often after making a financial retribution.
Aisha Bibi is not choosing to become a Muslim.So her Muslim accusers want her dead.Like large swathes of the population, fearful themselves of Islamic law,the demand for her death,is the politically correct thing, to say and do  and so protect one's life.-Lionel Andrades

 OCTOBER 13, 2018

Aasia Bibi's right to freedom of religion, worship and expression being run over by Pakistan Supreme Court : judge makes objective mistake a few days back

 OCTOBER 13, 2018

Ashiq Mesih and Eisham Ashiq, Asia Bibi's husband and daughter, speak to CNA in Rome, April 15, 2015. Credit: Bohumil Petrik/CNA.

Court Decision on Aasha Bibi soon ?

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