Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Archbishop Lefebvre did not see the error and so Paul VI was not corrected

From Rorate Caeili

Vatican II at 56: Like all Totalitarianisms of the 20th Century, Vatican II will still cause great havoc

Lionel : It will not cause great havoc if you interpret it rationally. Archbishop Marcel Lefebver and the SSPX bishops did not know about this.

The Second Vatican Council was opened in Rome exactly 56 years ago, on October 11, 1962. John XXIII had chosen this day, the Feast of the Divine Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin, a memento of the Council of Ephesus, as the day of its beginning. Irony of ironies: the whirlwind generated by the Council that would almost extinguish the Traditional liturgy of the Roman Church included the abolition of the Feast on this day and the transformation of the Octave Day of Christmas in a similar solemnity.

Lionel: Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Lefebvre were interpreting Vatican Council II with an irrational premise. 
The mistake can be seen in Matrimonia Mixta of Pope Paul VI which Archbishop Lefebvre did not correct. Matrimonia Mixta cites Vatican Council II, Decree on Ecumenism 3 as if it is an example of known salvation outside the Church. This is an irratiional premise. There is no known case of a Christian saved outside the Church. There was none in 1949 when the Letter of the Holy Office was issued, there was non in 1965 and neither any such case in 2018.
Since then the liberals, Masons and the SSPX have been interpreting UR 3 as referring to known non Catholics saved outside the Church. So their New Theology is outside the Church there is salvation.

There are several ways to understand Vatican II, but one has perhaps been overlooked. It is often said that the Council was a "reaction" of transformed European bishops, "horrified" by the Second World War. And yet... those were men of the 20th century, marked by the great movements of the 20th century, both of which -- Communism and Fascism/National-Socialism -- were characterized by a hatred of the past and tradition, and a love for the New Man, the New Society, the New World. All things, all traditions, all families, all institutions, and all individuals that were obstacles to the construction of the New Socialist State, the New People, the New Volk were to be abolished forever.
Lionel: The cause was much simpler. We can avoid the false premise today and the interpretation of Vatican Council II changes.

The Church had stood as a fortress against both menaces, but, within the Church, despite the best efforts of Saint Pius X, the yeast of Modernism had never been scoured away. No wonder that John XXIII's imprudent call for the Council woke up all men who were imbued with the spirit of the time, and this spirit was the same of the totalitarianisms: hatred of Tradition, an urge to purge the past, the need to build a new Church, actually a new "People of God": Das Volk Gottes.
Lionel: They got rid of Tradition by using a false premise to create a new theology, an irrational way to interpret the Council. They got away since Archbishop Lefebvre and the traditionalists of that time did not see the mistake.

We traditional and conservative Catholics have often thought that the end of the nightmare that began on that October 11, 56 years ago, was about to come.
Lionel: It will come when Catholics see the error which can be avoided. Vatican Council II can be interpreted in harmony with Tradition. But then there will be opposition from the Left. Are Catholics prepared to affirm this interpretation of the Council which will be in harmony with the past ecclesiology and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

 They tried to end everything, even the most cherished legacy of our Fathers in the Faith, the Traditional Latin Mass. And they almost succeeded, had it not been for a faithful remnant. Again and again, the hopes of faithful Catholics have been dashed.

Lionel: The liberal bishops approve the Traditional Latin Mass which is offered with the same New Theology, the New Ecumenism, New Ecclesiology and New Evangelisation of the Mass in the vernacular, which is a rupture with Tradition.

And it has only gotten worse: Francis is practically a caricature of a Vatican II liberal. Just as all totalitarian regimes, the "Conciliar Church" creates a destructive vortex, in which the whole Volk has to be completely wiped out with the leader: in our case, the leader is an abstract idea, the "Spirit of Vatican II".

Lionel : Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II like the traditionalists. He uses the false premise. 

Yet our hope remains that this too shall pass: just as the peoples were not destroyed after their totalitarian leaders died, our Church, greater than any single national people, will remain standing, with the Cross of her Bridegroom, Savior of Mankind:
Lionel : This interpretation of Vatican Council II by the  traditionalists and Catholics in general I believe will also pass away.
-Lionel Andrades

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