Sunday, October 21, 2018

Constantine the Great and the Battle at the Milvian Bridge remembered

Image result for Domus Australia chapel front rome
Many people do not know that on Oct 28 ( next Sunday) is the anniversary of the Battle of the Milvian bridge, Rome.Before the battle Constantine saw a Catholic sign from Heaven which assured him of victory.Before that Christianity( Catholic Church) was persecuted and existed only underground. This was the interesting reminder after Holy Mass in English offered by the Australian priest, today morning at the Domus Australia chapel, Rome.-L.A


Battle of Milvian Bridge

Battle of Milvian Bridge

Edit: in 312 on October 28th, the Emperor Constantine defeated the forces of Maxentius at the Battle of Milivian Bridge.  His victory was not only decisive in a political sense, but in a religious dimension as well since Constantine attributed his victory the divine intervention, more specifically, the intervention of Christ.  This victory and Constantine's own conversion and personal intervention in later passing the Edict of Toleration, led to the triumph of Christianity over pagan Rome.


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