Saturday, October 13, 2018

Holy Rosary – A super weapon

ON OCTOBER 13, the Catholic world will commemorate the 101stanniversary of the miracle in Fatima. On that day in 1917, thousands of people were praying and waiting for the promised miracle to confirm what the children told them – the Blessed Mother and her message to the war-torn Europe. While they were praying the Holy Rosary, the sun appeared to have gone out of orbit and plunged into the rain-soaked crowd.
For centuries the Holy Rosary had been prayed. The monks prayed it in the 4th century, in their monasteries and while travelling. There are hundreds of miracles recorded attributing spectacular events, especially in moments of danger, to the praying of the Holy Rosary. However, it was in the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571 when a small navy of Christians defeated a huge fleet of Muslims poised for the conquest of Europe. Unable to mobilize a navy on time to repel the invaders, Pope Pius V called for the continued praying of the Holy Rosary throughout the continent. The Christians won the day and he declared a universal praying of the Rosary, a tradition followed to this day.
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The word “Rosary” comes from the Latin word, “rosarium” which means “rose garden” or “garland of roses”. The old Middle English used “rosarie” from which we derive the present spelling.The adoption of the term traced back to the ancient tradition that Our Lady “revealed to several people that each time they say a “Hail Mary” they are giving her a beautiful rose and that each complete Rosary makes her a crown or garland of roses. The beads represent the roses.
Tradition tells us that “The rose is the queen of flowers, and so the Rosary is the rose of all devotions and it is therefore the most important one. The Holy Rosary is considered a perfect prayer because within it lays the awesome story of our salvation. With the Rosary in fact we meditate the mysteries of joy, of sorrow and the glory of Jesus and Mary.
“It’s a simple prayer, humble so much like Mary. It’s a prayer we can all say together with Her, the Mother of God. With the Hail Mary we invite Her to pray for us. Our Lady always grants our request. She joins Her prayer to ours. Therefore it becomes ever more useful, because what Mary asks She always receives, Jesus can never say no to whatever His Mother asks for. In every apparition, the heavenly Mother has invited us to say the Rosary as a powerful weapon against evil, to bring us to true peace.
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“With our prayer made together with our heavenly Mother, we can obtain the great gift of bringing about a change of hearts and conversion. Each day, through prayer you can drive away from yourselves and from your homeland many dangers and many evils.It can seem a repetitive prayer but instead it is like two sweethearts who many times say to one another the words: ‘I love you’…”
Pope St. John Paul II on October 16th, 2002 issued the Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae on the Most Holy Rosary. He added five new mysteries of the Rosary, the Mysteries of the Light.
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The praying the Rosary had brought about significant changes. In Fatima, the Blessed Mother asked for incessant praying for the conversion of Russia to prevent a global conflagration. In 1917, Europe was at war but she said that would soon end but Russia that just embraced the godless communism would bring a catastrophe of fire. Russia was not a world threat in 1917 but became one by 1945. The Church launched a Rosary crusade and in 1991, Russia, the powerful Union of Soviet Socialists Republic, imploded.
During the EDSA revolt, the Church called for continuing Rosary prayers and indeed thousands with their rosaries in hand faced the tanks and the soldiers in battle gear. The rest is history though sceptics, as in earlier centuries, refuse to believe the power of the Rosary. Indeed to those who do not believe, proof is insufficient.
We are now faced insidious evils against God, the Church and morality but we have the super weapon, the Holy Rosary.

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