Monday, October 29, 2018

Ideological Synod on Youth closes : false church promoted in rebellion against Jesus and His Church

The Synod on the Youth closes. As expected it supports Leftist values.The priority was Satan.This was given to the  young Catholics.Traditional Catholic teachings were not taught instead like the Left which belongs to Satan, the youth will be rebelling against Catholic faith and morals.
The Synod looked at life and the Faith not as did the Magisterium guided by the Holy Spirit over the centuries but according to the ideology of the Masons, which is the 'new revelation' creating 'a false church' within the existing true Catholic Church.
Catholic youth were not taught to defend the Faith but to attack  it with the help of the Enemy, Satan.
They will be expected to squeal on Catholics who oppose LGBT 'rights'.They will be expected to call up the authorities  on those Catholics who still believe that all Muslims are going to Hell, where Mohammad is, since this is the teaching of Vatican Council II. All need faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7) says the Council which was not told to the youth with reference to Islamism.They will be expected to disobey the 10 Commandments, especially the one which says obey and honour your parents.
Now they will have to follow the Leftist State, the globalists instead of their parents' Judeo-Christian values.
Our Lady told Fr. Stefano Gobbi in the 1970's and 80's that a time will come when those who are faithful to the Church will be handed over to the authorities by their own.I can picture their Catholic accusers  believing that they are doing it for God or for peace.
Many warnings and cautions of Our Lady, in that Blue Book of the Marian Movement of Priests have already come true.In this book she expands on what she told the three children at Fatima.
Yesterday I randomly opened the Bible  in Italian and came on to Daniel 12.The same thing happened a few times in Medugorje in 1994-1995 with the Bible in English.Enough for me to notice and remember it.
Daniel is told that many will be purified in this time of tribulation and they will go to their reward in Heaven. Others will continue to live in their wickedness and will be lost forever. There will be the resurrection and recompense for those who will be faithful in this time of suffering.Those who will suffer much injustice, Daniel is told, will shine like the stars in Heaven, forever.By the end of these end times,many will know the Truth and live it and their numbers will increase.In the end the good will win out.
Probably I will be dead before the persecution is at its peak.
My future is probably in a jail in Rome ( Rebbibia) if not immediate death for proclaiming the Faith.Death as a martyr.I will need the Grace of God right until the last moment.
I have known all this since my pilgrimages to Medugorje and I have been writing on this blog all the time knowing that it could all be over today or the next day. There are no attachments.I am often surprised I was allowed to continue for so long.Our Lady had a big hand in this.-Lionel Andrades

                                  SOROS' YOUTH ?

  1. The 32 observers under-30 practicing the dance that will end their short program of mostly music and poetry thanking and synod members for listening to, challenging & letting themselves be challenged by them.
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  2. dance party. After 23 days of work, some pure joy.
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