Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Crossroads at 23rd Street - If the See of Peter would interpret extra ecclesiam nulla salus with rational and traditional Feeneyism instead of irrational Cushingism then the sedevacantists may want to return to the old Church, with the old ecclesiology which has not changed with Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).

Also unfortunate for such souls is the fact that these ultra-traditionalist groups profess to be doctrinally orthodox, an orthodoxy which necessarily includes the teaching that Outside the Church There Is No Salvation. This means that someone who has formally separated himself from the Church through heresy or schism, or knowing the Church to be true failed to enter her, cannot be saved, unless of course they renounce their own will and reconcile with the Church. Unlike the non-Catholic Christian, can the super-orthodox claim invincible ignorance of this teaching? Can they escape the condemnation of Pope Boniface VIII, who in first elaborating it said, "this authority, although it is given to man and is exercised by man, is not human, but rather divine, and has been given by the divine Word to Peter himself and to his successors in him, whom the Lord acknowledged an established rock, when he said to Peter himself: Whatsoever you shall bind etc. [Matt. 16:19]. Therefore, whosoever resists this power so ordained by God, resists the order of God ...? No wonder that given enough time such groups inevitably produce those who claim that the See of Peter is vacant, since the logic of their schismatic attitude is ultimately irreconcilable with the doctrine of papal primacy, as enunciated by both Pope Boniface and Vatican I.-Colin B.Donovan, EWTN etc.

With comments:-

Also unfortunate for such souls is the fact that these ultra-traditionalist groups profess to be doctrinally orthodox, an orthodoxy which necessarily includes the teaching that Outside the Church There Is No Salvation. 
Lionel: Outside the Church There Is No Salvation can be interpreted with Feeneyism( physically invisible cases of invincible ignorance are invisible in 2018) or Cushingism ( physically invisible cases of invincible ignorance in 2018, or over the last 50 years, are physically objective and so are exceptions to the traditional teaching on all needing to be members of the Church for salvation).
I interpreted Outside the Church There Is No Salvation with Feeneyism while Donovn and the traditionalists of the SSPX etc, use Cushingism.

This means that someone who has formally separated himself from the Church through heresy or schism, or knowing the Church to be true failed to enter her, cannot be saved, unless of course they renounce their own will and reconcile with the Church.
Lionel: This is the Cushingite approach.
For me also those who do not know about Jesus and the Church and its necessity for salvation, as was the case of the natives in the America's before Columbus went there, were also oriented to Hell.
This is the Feeneyite approach to Outside the Church there is no salvation. By Feeneyite, I mean, a philosophical way of looking at this subject rationally. I am not referring to actual person of Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston here.

 Unlike the non-Catholic Christian, can the super-orthodox claim invincible ignorance of this teaching? 
Lionel: What does he mean by this I do not know.
The dogma outside the Church there is no salvation has been defined by three Church Councils in the ExtraOrdinary Magisterium and many others in the Ordinary Magisterium. The citations are all over the Internet.

Can they escape the condemnation of Pope Boniface VIII, who in first elaborating it said, "this authority, although it is given to man and is exercised by man, is not human, but rather divine, and has been given by the divine Word to Peter himself and to his successors in him, whom the Lord acknowledged an established rock, when he said to Peter himself: Whatsoever you shall bind etc. [Matt. 16:19]. Therefore, whosoever resists this power so ordained by God, resists the order of God ...?
Lionel: I think the Cushingites are rejecting the traditional interpretation of Outside the Church There Is No Salvation by assuming there are known cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church in invincible ignorance. For them invincible ignorance is an exception to traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

 No wonder that given enough time such groups inevitably produce those who claim that the See of Peter is vacant, since the logic of their schismatic attitude is ultimately irreconcilable with the doctrine of papal primacy, as enunciated by both Pope Boniface and Vatican I.-Colin B.Donovan, EWTN etc.

Lionel: If the See of Peter would interpret extra ecclesiam nulla salus with rational and traditional Feeneyism instead of irrational Cushingism then the sedevacantists may want to return to the old Church, with the old ecclesiology which has not changed with Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).
-Lionel Andrades

OCTOBER 3, 2018

Apologist Colin B. Donovan, STL assumes invincible ignorance 1) refers to known people saved outside the general faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church and that they are known exceptions to the rule.2) He further infers that invincble ignorances is the ordinary way of salvation

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