Friday, October 19, 2018

Kenya: Muslims storm school, murder Christian teachers


Over 20 suspected Al Shabaab jihadis in Mandera County (on Kenya’s border with Somalia) stormed into a housing complex “where non-local teachers live” and detonated a bomb, which instantly killed two Christian teachers. Two other Christian teachers managed to escape.
Jihadists have routinely terrorized local churches and schools where Christian teachers are found.
The world has become habituated to the murder of Christians by jihadists. It is not a topic that grabs headlines; the media and even mainstream human rights organizations care more about “Islamophobia” charges than they do the blood of Christians and other minorities.
It has become the norm that while jihadists murder wantonly, criticism of Islamic doctrine, which sanctions the murder of infidels, apostates, and gays, must be opposed.
The non-local teachers were members of the Catholic Church and the East Africa Pentecostal Church….Kenya ranked 32nd on Christian support organization Open Doors’ 2018 World Watch List of the 50 countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian
“Fear Grips Churches in Northeastern Kenya as Muslim Extremists Kill Two Christian Teachers,” Morning Star News, October 15, 2018:
NAIROBI, Kenya, October 15, 2018 (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists suspected to be Al Shabaab militants on Wednesday at 1 a.m. (Oct. 10) killed two Christians in northern Kenya, sources said.
In Mandera East, in Mandera County on Kenya’s border with Somalia, more than 20 suspected Somali Al Shabaab rebels detonated an Improvised Explosive Device at the block housing where non-local teachers live, instantly killing two teachers. In an area with many Muslims of Somali descent, militants assume that Kenyans who come from the interior to work are Christians – which, in this case as in previous ones, was correct.
“The non-local teachers were members of the Catholic Church and the East Africa Pentecostal Church,” an area source told Morning Star News, requesting their names be withheld as relatives have yet to be notified. “The attackers knew who to attack; they had a specific mission of targeting non-locals as they went straight to the house quarters of the four non-local teachers.”
One of the two non-local teachers who were able to flee the living quarters before the explosion notified a Morning Star News contact of the attack on the teachers’ quarters of the Arabia Boys Secondary School, Lafey Sub-County, two kilometers from the Somali border.
“But thank God two of us managed to escape,” the surviving teacher said, requesting anonymity. “They razed the house down with the hope that none of the non-local teachers survived.”
Area churches and schools have been shaken by previous attacks, and an area church leader said he has decided to leave until security is tightened.
“I am concerned for my church members and the future of the church in Mandera,” he said. “I know our presence meant a lot for the kingdom of God, but our hearts have been gripped with great fear.”…

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