Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Repost : So I am ponting out to what the Catholic Church teaches and what I believe as a Catholic

OCTOBER 17, 2018

So I am ponting out to what the Catholic Church teaches and what I believe as a Catholic

Image result for Pope Catechism of Pope Pius X Photos
Image result for Photo of Catechism of the Catholic Church
Image result for Photo of Vatican Council II
I am aware of the general apostasy in the Church with the present two popes down to the parish priests, restors, superiors and religious sisters, interpreting Magisterial documents with Cushingite, philosophy and theology.
For me the teachings of the Catholic Church does not change.Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.(Heb.13:8).
Jesus is the only Saviour in the world and there is no salvation outside the Church (AG 7, LG 14, Vatican Council II).
So when Cushingites ask me where does the Church say that all non Catholics are going to Hell, I cite Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.Then there is the Athanasius Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Catechisms.There is the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus( Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441 etc).
So this is what the Church teaches today.I am not saying anything new.
What about the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I)?
For Cushingites they are exceptions to the need for all to be members of the Catholic Church, with faith and baptism for salvation. For me they arenot exceptions.
Similarly for Cushingites, LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II are exceptions to outside the Church there is no salvation.Not for me.
Why not?
Since invisible cases of BOD, BOB and I.I cannot be visible examples of salvation outside the Church.
When the Cushingites infer that BOD, BOB and I.I are exceptions  to outside the Church there is no salvation, they are saying that there are known people in the present times saved outside the Church.
But there are no personally known people  saved as such and so BOD, BOB and I.I cannot be exceptions.
The Cushingites infer  that there are physically visible non Catholics saved outside the Church without faith and baptism.This is irrational. There are no such people in the present times.If such people existed they would only be known to God.
So only with this irrationality( people who are dead and saved outside the Church are visible on earth to be exceptions to EENS) the Cushingites can say that the Church no more teaches  that outside the Church there is no salvation.Or, the Church taught this in the past but does not do so any more after Vatican Council II ( interpreted with Cushingism).
So this is why I say that I, as a Feeneyite( invisible people are just invisible) am only affirming what the Church teaches ( AG 7-Vatican Council II, EENS, Athanasius Creed etc) and this is what I believe as a Catholic.
So when it is said that Mohammad is in Hell and this is where all Muslims, and other non Catholics, are going  at the time of death, this is what the popes and the saints in the past have taught.This is what the Church teaches today in Vatican Council II ( AG 7, LG 14),the Catechism of the Catholic Church ( 1257, 845,846),Dominus Iesus 20,  CDF Notification on Fr. Jaques Dupuis s.j ( n.7.According to Catholic doctrine the followers of other religions are oriented to the Church and are all called to become a part of her), John 3:5( the necessity of the baptism of water for salvation), Mark 16:16 ( those who do not believe and enter and remain in the Church will be condemned), Matt.7:13 ( the Church is the narrow gate, the Mystical Body of Jesus is the narrow gate and the road to Hell is wide and most people take it), John 6 ( the Eucharist is necessary for salvation) etc.
Since I am a Feeneyite ( invisible cases are just invisible) and not a Cushingite( invisible cases are visible) there are no objective exceptions to the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church on exclusive salvation.
Again, let me repeat : a Feeneyite is someone who believes hypothetical cases are just hypothetical, invisible people are visible.ACushingite is someone who believes invisible people are visible in the present times. So invisible cases of the BOD, BOB and I.I are visible exceptions to the centuries old interpretation of EENS.-Lionel Andrades

 OCTOBER 16, 2018

This is the teaching of the Catholic Church before and after Vatican Council II : not just a personal opinion

Image result for Photo of Vatican Council II
This is the teaching of the Catholic Church before and after Vatican Council II.1
Image result for Photo of Catechism of the Catholic Church
This is not just a personal opinion.

I affirm all Magisterial documents but interpret them with Feeneyism while the bishops and priests in Rome for example, interpret them with Cushingism.
-Lionel Andrades


OCTOBER 22, 2018

Michael Matt

The ideology of the Catholic Identity Conference next month is Cushingite.Archbishop Lefebvre made a mistake which the organisers will not acknowledge

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