Monday, October 15, 2018

St.Teresa of Avila feast day today : she experienced the highest levels of union with God, within the Catholic Church

Image result for photo of at st.teresa of avila

Contemplative, she experienced the highest levels of union with God and was a Daughter of the Church.
She was given the title of Doctor of the Church and she believed that all Lutherans and Moors( Muslims) were on the way to Hell. This was not said out of a sense of triumphalism or superiority but because she saw and knew objective reality after death.
She wrote about the seven levels of conciousness or mansions as she called them, leading to union with God. She described the charachteristics of each level. 
She said God was at the centre of the soul and it was sin which prevented us from going past the lower mansion towards union with God.
Actual manuscripts of her writing, in the original, are on display at  the Basilica of St. Teresa of  Avila,  Rome.  
-Lionel Andrades

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Ecstasy of St. Teresa of Avila at the church Santa Maria di Vittoria in Rome.

Image result for Photo of Teresa of Avila and the Interior castle

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