Sunday, October 28, 2018

Summorum Pontificum procession : rupture with the past

Franciscans of the Immaculate Friars were there at the annual Summorum Pontificum procession in Rome.

Prof. Roberto dei Mattei was also probably there at the Traditional Latin Mass at the church Santissima dei Pellegrini where every Sunday morning there is a solemn Mass in Latin.
They all interpret Magisterial documents with Cushingism which creates a rupture with the ecclesiology of the Church in the past when the Latin Mass was offered.They do not deny their heresy and schism.

They can choose to interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism. Then there would be no rupture with the past ecclesiology of the Church. However then they would be saying that all Muslims, like Mohammad are in Hell (AG 7).They do not choose to do this.
So they have compromised on theology and doctrine when they offer/attend the Latin Mass.It is the Latin Mass with the New Ecclesiology approved by Pope Francis and Pope Benedict.To change the meaning of the Nicene Creed,change the meaning of the dogma EENS, re-interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and re-interpret the Catechisms as a rupture with the past ecclesiology and the Syllabus of Errors is a mortal sin of faith. They attend/offer the Traditional Latin Mass sacrilegiously.

-Lionel Andrades

OCTOBER 27, 2018

Archbishop Lefebvre was a modernist : some examples

 OCTOBER 27, 2018

Image result for Photo of the blind leading the blind

Cushingite Hilary White writes on modernism

OCTOBER 27, 2018

Remnant’s founding editor, Walter L. Matt 's writings on Vatican Council II are as obsolete as that of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre : archives meaningless

OCTOBER 26, 2018

Vatican Council II was Cushingite for Archbishop Lefebvre,Walter Matt, Michael Davies and Hamish Fraser as it is for Michael Matt today : for me it is Feeneyite

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