Friday, October 5, 2018

The official Benedictines reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and interpret the baptism of desire etc as referring to known people saved outside the Church.Canonically they should be checked.However for political reasons, they are supported by the Left and the Vatican.

From the website The Crossroads at 23rd Street

Faith & Forgiveness

Disclaimer: Please, Don't Confuse the Issue.

There appears to be some confusion for those of you who have written to me staunchly, adamantly, and often times rudely defending the work of the Most Holy Family Monastery (MhFM) rather than first and foremost providing me with the proof that this New York domestic not-for-profit corporation is, in fact, a legitimate Catholic Benedictine religious community with the required "canonical provison"; and that Frederick Dimond (a.k.a. Brother Michael) met all the pre-conditions and requirements stipulated under Canon Law to be elected to the position of Superior overseeing the purportred monastery in Fillmore, NY.
Lionel : The official Benedictines reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and interpret the baptism of desire etc as referring to known people saved outside the Church.Canonically they should be checked.However for political reasons, they are supported by the Left and the Vatican.
Do not expect  Michael and Peter Dimond to reject the Catholic Faith and seek the approval of the Benedictines or chose to join them.
I solemnly swear, that when any such quantifiable, viable, and canonically sound proof is submitted to me that I will immediately remove the related content from off this website and "repent" for any unfounded harm I have caused the innocent.
1.The proof is that in none of your videos do you affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) as it was known to the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16thh century and the popes and saints of the past.It's on this one point that you and the Benedictines are disqualified.
2.Please also issue a disclaimer clarifying that you do not know of any one saved with the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance in  2018, with or without the baptism of water.Also that you do not know of a St. Emerentiana or Emperor Valentinian saved outside the Church this year or during the time of your life.
3.Please also let us know if you are aware of the difference between Vatican Council II Cushingite and Vatican Council II Feeneyite, Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise and Vatican Council II interpreted without the false invisible non Catholics saved outside the Church are physically visible premise.

Can you solemnly swear that what I have written above is not true?
For the record, let me state, that it is not the MhFM's message being promoted via their Website, Books, DVDs, YouTube Channel that is the focus of this website.
The Dimond Brothers position on Church doctrine, dogma, sedevacantism, and Vatican II's tragic break from "tradition" is not actually being debated within the webpages found here at the Crossroads at 23rd Street. The MhFM is entitled to express their opinion.
"Everyone has the right to their own opinions but no one has the right to their own facts."
Lionel: They affirm the dogma EENS, which is not their personal opinion. It is the teaching of the Catholic Church before and after Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).You reject it.There is not a single video in which you affirm it.Instead you criticize others on this point.
Since Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) is an obvious rupture with Tradition,the  MHFM and other Catholics refused to accept Rome and the religious communities when they teach error and do not deny it.

The point being raised on this website is that, since 1996, the pious fraud being deceitfully orchestrated against disgruntled Catholics by the Dimond Brothers is reprehensible, scandalous and must end!
Lionel: Why do you call it a fraud if you are a Catholic ? The official Benedictines like the Vatican do not affirm the dogma EENS.They also interpret the baptism of desire etc with an irrationality(invisible people are visible) to create a rupture with EENS and the rest of Tradtion.
When Rome and your website issues a clarification and affirms the past ecclesiology in harmony with Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite), then you can expect the traditionalists to be reconciled with the rest of the now liberal Catholic Church, of which you are a propagandist.
It is out of charity that I ask these two "delusional brothers", Frederick (a.k.a. Brother Michael) and Peter (a.k.a. Brother Peter), to cease and desist from playing religious "make-believe" games and deceiving the public. These "brothers" are Sarabaite and not Benedictine monks who are running a "business of religion" and not a Catholic monastery. They are Religious Carpetbaggers who "prey on" and do not "pray for" the salvation of the Christian Fathful.
Lionel: Without responding to the comments on this blog this unknown person, who writes anonymously and is funded by anonymous people is maligning Michael and Peter Dimond.
-Lionel Andrades
"If anyone says that ... those who have been neither rightly ordained nor sent by ecclesiastical and canonical authority, but come from a different source, are lawful ministers of the word …: let him be anathema [cf. n. 960]." - Denzinger: Sources of Catholic Dogma: 967 Can. 7
Pax Tecum

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