Monday, November 26, 2018

After the Council Catholics were expected to believe, according to the common interpretation, that there was salvation outside the Church.

Comments from The Eponymous Flower
Gerald May said...
The SSPX never invented the phrase "pastoral council" but have taken it from the Popes themselves who described the nature and essence of the council. But, if I may clarify your position, what exactly new doctrine or dogma must a Catholic have believed a day after Vatican II ended, which was not required the day before the council started?

After the Council Catholics were expected to believe, according to the common interpretation, that there was salvation outside the Church.
Before the Council, or before the Letter of the Holy Office 1949, Catholics believed outside the Church there is no salvation.

Since outside the Church there was salvation for Fr. Joseph Ratzinger and Archbishop Lefebvre, after the Council Catholics were expected to believe in a new ecumenism. There was the Anonymous Christian and 'known' salvation in the Protestant religion.

After the Council, since there was known salvation outside the Church, with now  a new doctrine on salvation and faith having been created, mixed marriages were no more considered a mortal sin. Pope Paul VI permitted them with dispensation citing UR 3 in Vatican Council II. In other words there were known non Catholics saved outside the Church. 
So the non Catholic spouse in a mixed marriage could be saved in his religion was the new understanding also of marriage.

After the Council, since there was known salvation outside the Church for Cardinal Ratzinger, and the other ecclesiastics, there was no more the need for traditional mission programs. Since non Catholics were allegedly being saved in their religion.

So there was also no need to proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King etc.
The understanding of Church(ecclesiology) had changed. There was also a new theology based on the baptism of desire etc being known exceptions to the traditional, but obsolete, understanding of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
-Lionel Andrades

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