Monday, November 19, 2018

Bishop Robert C.Morlino and Fr.John Zuhlsdorf must end the scandal

Image result for Photo of Bishop Morlino,MAdison  with Fr.John Zuhlsdorf

Image result for Photo of Bishop Morlino,MAdison  with Fr.John Zuhlsdorf

Bishop Robert C.Morlino, of the diocese of Madison and Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, like the bishops of Palermo, Italy, are also in heresy and schism and Canon Law must apply to them. They administer the Sacraments in sacrilege and need to rectify the scandal in public.They have been informed about this in the past.So they know.
1.They have rejected the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) by deceptively assuming unknown cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance)I.I) are known exceptions in the present times (1965-2018), to the dogma EENS. So the de fide teaching on EENS approved by three Church Councils is obsolete for them.This is heresy.It is also schism with the past popes on EENS.They also reject Vatican Council II(AG 7) which supports the strict interpretation of EENS, when LG 8, LG 16, UR 3 etc are interpreted as being only hypothetical cases.
How can Bishop Morlino hold his office as bishop when he rejects the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation with an irrational premise( invisible non Catholics are visible) and irrational inference ( these 'visible' people are objective examples of salvation outside the Church and so practical exceptions to EENS).
2.Since BOD, BOB and I.I are practical exceptions to EENS for Bishop Morlino and Fr. Z. they have changed the understanding of the Nicene Creed.1 This again is heresy.It is schism with the past popes. Here we have first class heresy and the stuff of automatic excommunication.Canon law is applicable here.
3.Since BOD,BOB and I.I are literal exceptions to EENS for those holding juridical officies according to Canon Law in the diocese of Madison,USA, they have also rejected the Athanasius Creed which says outside the Church there is no salvation.According to Canon Law this is a violation and an offence.Eligibility for the juridical position ends.A juridical person must affirm all the teachings of the Catholic Church.So in the diocese of Madison, they need to resign or end the scandal.
4.Since BOD,BOB and I.I are exceptions to EENS, implying outside the Church there is known salvation, for the Rectors, Superiors, Curia officials, Canonists, Catechists and school principals, they interpret all the Catechisms and Vatican Council II irrationally.This is done even when a rational option exists  and they have been informed . So the Catechisms and Vatican Council II for them, are not in harmony with the strict interpretation of EENS, as it was known to the Magisterium in the 16th century. There is also a rupture with the past ecclesiology, which held that salvation is exclusive and all need to be members of the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.It is a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors, on an ecumenism of return since now there is known salvation outside the Church.There is a break with traditional Mission, based on no known salvation outside the Church.The family and marriages are hit since now inter-faith marriages  are possible since there is alleged known salvation outside the Church.A non Catholic spouse it is assumed will be saved .
Their interpretation of the Vatican Council II and the Catechism is different from mine .I do not use a false premise to create heresy and schism which is approved by the Left.
Bishop Morlino and Fr. Z.,like  the bishops of Palermo, have committed a mortal sin of faith.They must end the scandal in public before they administer the Sacraments and offer Holy Mass in Latin.

There are no known exceptions to their false ecclesiology and also there are no known exceptions to traditional Christology and salvation theology.
We do not know of any one saved by Jesus outside the visible boundaries of the Catholic Church.Similarly if someone theoretically, hypothetically, for them, is assumed to be saved outside the Church it would really only be known to God.For us humans there is no extraordinary means of salvation. The ordinary means of salvation is faith and baptism in the Catholic Church(AG 7,LG 14).
Now with their bad reasoning at Madison the Catechism of Pope Pius Pius X,with  allegedly visible invincible ignorance, emerges as a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX( ecumenism of return with no exceptions).There is also a rupture with the past ecclesiology( Cantate Domino, Council of Florence on EENS) and Vatican Council II, Ad Gentes 7 ( all need faith and baptism for salvation).
5.Since there is alleged known salvation outside the Church for them with BOD,BOB and I.I  and LG 8, LG 16, GS 22 etc referring to personally known non Catholics,  they cannot proclaim the need for the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation in the USA and the non separation of Church and State,which was based on no known salvation outside the Church.-Lionel Andrades


Tracy Rowland, Fr. John Zuhlsdorf and Bishop Morlino in the Diocese of Madison, USA are 'doing theology' with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism

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