Thursday, November 8, 2018

Blessed Duns Scotus, Franciscan remembered

Today morning at Holy Mass in Italian the Franciscan priest concluded his homily on the Franciscan philosopher Duns Scotus by saying that he was faithful to the popes and we must remember that the pope is always the centre and unity of the Church irrespective...
This is partially true and in a sense it is false.
Jesus and His teachings in the Catholic Church, His Mystical Body, is the centre of unity, and not a pope who rejects these teachings.He is not a sign of unity in the Church and  must not be followed when he is teaching heresy.
A pope who is a public heretic, a non believer and in disunity with the popes of the past, cannot be a center of unity. A pope who follows the Masons, for whatever reason, follows Satan and so leads people to Hell.Those who are united to this pope in error, are not united with Jesus but with Satan.

Plaque commemorating Duns Scotus in the University Church, Oxford
Duns Scotus was faithful to the pope of his time, Boniface VIII.Boniface gave us the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus what the media today would call the 'rigorist' version.Scotus opposed King Phillip IV of France, who was against the pope.
Today in 2018 the pope supports the secular state which opposes the teachings of the popes of the past on faith and morals.
When Duns Scotus supported the pope he was also supporting the papal state which was truly Catholic on faith and morals.
At that time the pope and state supported Judeo Christian values. There was unity here.Today the state, with the European Union and United Nations, and the two popes, support evil. They are united on this point.The pendulum has swung to the other end.
The secular and religious dimension in the world were united in good in the past. Today they are united in evil.
The present two popes support the state which rejects the primacy and unicity of Jesus as it was known to Scotus.
The secular state and the pope today ask: who are we to judge homosexuals and homosexuality.While the leftists and the pope today have judged good Catholics like Jose Galeat and Fr. Alessandro Minutella, as being worthy of leftist excommunication.
John Duns Scotus - - 1178460.jpg
A statue of John Duns Scotus by Frank Tritchlerin the Public Park in the town of Duns erected in 1966
Pope Francis and Eugenio Scalfari  suggest conscience is supreme irrespective of the objective reality. Galeat and Minutella though are not allowed to follow and express their conscience. In good conscience they oppose heresy and Satanic secularism,while the popes do not.
Image result for Pope Boniface VIII and La Sapienza University rome photoImage result for Pope Boniface VIII and La Sapienza University rome photo
The pope like the Franciscan priest who offered Mass today morning,  does not affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus like Duns Scotus and Pope Boniface VIII,who  was the founder of the La Sapienza University in Rome.
The two popes today and the Franciscan communties would all be in heresy, for Pope Boniface and Duns Scotus.
The Masons label Boniface's exclusive salvation based on Jesus' teachings in John 3:4 and Mark 16:16, as 'triumphalism'.They also reject St. Thomas Aquinas and the 'scholastics', which is not approved at the pontifical universities.
Duns Scotus was not a martyr.But many of the  missionaries, affirmed triumphalism and the scholastics.They chose death, for Jesus and His Church whose teachings do not change.
When the Jesuit missionaries in the 16th century taught catechism they told the children that every one needed to believe in Jesus in the Catholic Church to go to Heaven.This was Jesus' teaching in the Bible, especially in the Gospel of St. John.Every one needed to follow Jesus in the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.But this is not taught any more at catechism classes which are about to conclude here. Ecclesiastical masonry and the two popes, cannot teach this. Neither do the Franciscans who are in a doctrinal rupture with Duns Scotus, whom they admire.-Lionel Andrades

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