Saturday, November 17, 2018

Born Again Christians help needed in Italy : new roads in ecumenism

Born Again Christians in Italy must ask the bishops of Palermo to explain the contradiction in their faith as Catholics and why should Catholic Canon Law not apply to them too.They could ask the bishops to end the official hypocrisy.
How can the Palermo bishops assume hypothetical cases are objective people and then change all the teachings on salvation in the Catholic Church?
How can there be known exceptions to all needing to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation?Can they see people in Heaven saved without the baptism of water and Catholic faith?
How can the Palermo bishops change the traditional teachings on Christ( Christology) which is also held by the Pentecostals, Evangelicals and Protestant Christians?
For the Born Again Christian,Jesus is the centre of salvation. Every one needs to believe in Jesus. Every one needs to accept Jesus to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.
For the Palermo bishops this is not true. There are exceptions.
There are exceptions of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance.There are exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II like LG 8 etc. There is the exception of the Anonymous Christian of Fr. Karl Rahner sj.
So every one does not need to accept Jesus for salvation in 2018 for the bishops in Palermo.
Similarly every one does not need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation for them.This is a new Christianity. It is a new ecclesiology which would be heretical in the past century within the Catholic Church.
For the Born Again Christians this would be an example of Satan entering the Catholic Church and the Church becoming the Whore of Babylon mentioned in the Bible( Revelations).
The bishops in Palermo will not say that all non Catholics in Sicily who do not believe in Jesus are oriented to Hell,which could easily be proclaimed by other Christians.
The Catholic bishops refuse to say that all non Christians with no known exception,must believe in Jesus  to avoid Hell as is taught in the Bible, especially, the Gospel of John.
This is a rupture in ecumenism with the Protestant churches and communities and is a rejection of the past teachings of the popes.
May be the Born Again Christians in Italy could hold their placards and banners with these questions,outside the office of the Archbishop of Palermo. If lay Catholics do the same they could be excommunicated, like those who are present,at the meetings of Fr. Alessandro M. Minutella in Sicily.
-Lionel Andrades

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