Saturday, November 3, 2018

Father Leonard Feeney was unjustly treated and persecuted by heretical, negligent and ignorant churchmen in positions of authority

Image result for Photo Fr.Leonard Feeney
Rather, Father Leonard Feeney was unjustly treated and persecuted by heretical, negligent and ignorant churchmen in positions of authority who abused the authority and of the offices they held (or never held, since heretics have no authority, jurisdiction or membership in the Church) and brought up uncanonical charges of disobedience to this priest of Christ’s Church. We conclude, then, with the following summary of those binding and infallible definitions of the Church Magisterium concerning salvation that Father Feeney simply affirmed, taught, and staunchly defended as they were solemnly declared:
  • Outside the Catholic Church there is positively no salvation (Lateran IV: Denz. 430; [802]; Pope Boniface VIII: Denz. 468-69; [870, 875]; Council of Florence: Denz. 714; [1351]; Pius IX:1716-17; [2916-17])
  • The Sacrament of Baptism makes one a member of the Church(Florence: Denz. 696; [1314]; Council of Trent: Denz. 895; [1671]);
  • Anyone not Baptized (sacramentally) is not a member of the Catholic Church (Trent: Denz. 895; [1671]), that is, he is not “truly incorporated into the Church” (Pope Leo IV- Council of Valence III: Denz. 324);
  • The Sacrament of Baptism is in water ONLY, the two (water and Baptism) are inseparable, and neither is separable from its link with the other (Pope St. Leo I: Tome-Council of Chalcedon I), and must be confessed as such (Council of Vienne: Denz. 482; [903]; Trent: Denz. 858; [1615]);
  • The Sacrament of Baptism is necessary for salvation (Pope Benedict XIV: Denz. 1470) for adults and for children alike (Vienne: Ddnz. 482; [903]), and is optional for NO ONE (Trent: Denz. 861; [1618]).

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