Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Oath of Fidelity of Bishops has become an Oath Supporting Modernism. It is infedelity with the past Magisterium

from Fr. John Zuhsldorf's blog

The Oath: Every Bishops’ Aaron and Hur

I, ___, promoted to the See of ___, will always be faithful to the Catholic Church and to the Roman Pontiff, her Supreme Pastor, Vicar of Christ, Successor in primacy of the blessed Apostle Peter and the Head of the College of Bishops.
Lionel: The two popes are not faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
NOVEMBER 28, 2018

This is the doctrine the two popes reject : valid Holy Mass but in sacrilege


I will submit to the free exercise of the primatial power of the Supreme Pontiff in the Universal Church, and I will take pains to advance and defend his rights and authority. I will also acknowledge and respect the prerogatives and duties of the legates of the Roman Pontiff, for they act in the person of the Supreme Pastor.
Lionel : 
This is the doctrine that the two popes are rejecting.
1.Nicene Creed.
2.Athanasius Creed.
3.Apostles Creed.
4.Extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
5.Vatican Council II.
6.Catechism of the Catholic Church.
7.Catechism of the Council of Trent and other Catechisms.

All the bishops and cardinals have to follow the present two popes.

I will take with the greatest diligence that the apostolic duties committed to Bishops, namely of teaching, governing and sanctifying the people of God in hierarchical communion with the Head and the members of the College of Bishops, be carried out.

 Are you saying outside the Church there is no salvation ( Athanasius Creed).? The bishops answer would be outside the Church there is salvation.
Lionel: My answer is outside the Church there is no salvation and this means outside the Church there is no known salvation.

I will protect the unity of the universal Church, and, therefore, I will zealously see to it that the deposit of faith handed down through time by the Apostles will be preserved pure and undiminished and that the truths to be held and the moral teachings to be applied will be handed on and explained just as they are proposed by the teaching authority of the Church.  I assuredly will extend a fatherly spirit to those who are straying in the faith and I will strive with every effort that they arrive at to the fullness of catholic truth.
Does 'the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church' ( Apostles Creed) teach today that there is known  salvation outside the Church and that we can see and meet someone saved with the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I)? So the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) today is no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century ?

Lionel: BOD, BOB and I.I do not contradict the dogma EENS.The Holy Spirit does not teach error.
For the CDF the dogma EENS is contradicted by BOD,BOB and I.I. EENS is no more like it was for the Magisterium in the 16th century.

Carefully looking to the image of Christ, the High and Eternal Priest, I will behave dutifully and religiously and will fulfill the ministry entrusted to me in such a way that, having from my soul been made an example for the flock, I may be able to strengthen the faithful in the pursuit of Christian perfection.

I will foster the common discipline of the whole Church and I will insist skillfully upon the observance of all ecclesiastical laws, first and foremost of those that are contained in the Code of Canon Law, always being vigilant lest any evil practices slither in, especially concerning the ministry of the Word and the celebration of sacraments.
Cardinal Ladaria made a mistake at the Placuet Deo Press Conference( March 1, 2018) when in response to a question from a lady journalist of the Associated Press, he suggested that Lumen Gentium 8 referred to known non Catholics, saved outside the Catholic Church.So the traditional teaching on EENS ; the Church having the superiority and exclusiveness in salvation was contradicted?
Lionel: Yes. He made a mistake.

I will put diligent care into the administration of the temporal goods of the Church, most especially those goods that are designated for the exercise of sacred worship, for the worthy support of the clergy and of other ministers, and for works of the sacred apostolate and of charity.
Pope Benedict made a mistake in March 2016 ( Avvenire) when he said that EENS was no  more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century, since Vatican Council II was a development?
Lionel : Yes he was wrong. Since he interpreted LG 8,  LG 16 etc, in Vatican Council II, irrationally.They were exceptions to EENS for him.In other words they were visible and known people saved outside the Church. 
We know there are no such people.

To fulfill the mandate entrusted to me, I will with special affection attend to all of the Priests and Deacons, provided as coworkers of the episcopal order, as well as male and female religious, participants in one and the same work. Likewise, I will take the greatest care to promote sacred vocations, so that spiritual needs in the whole Church will be properly looked after.
The BOD, BOB and I.I refer to invisible people in 2018. But the popes and ecclesiastics assume that these were personally known people saved outside the Church in 1965-2018.
Lionel:They refer to hypothetical and theoretical cases.So the popes and ecclesiastics made a mistake.

I will acknowledge and promote the dignity of lay people and their own mission in the Church. I will, by all means, take care with particular solicitude to foster missionary works for the evangelization of the nations.
 For me there  is no rupture between Vatican Council II  and the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS. Similarly the Catechisms are also interpreted with the hermeneutic of continuity.
This would not be true for the CDF. They reject EENS as it was known to the Jesuits in the 16th century.
I do not interpret the Creeds as contradicting themselves.This is an an error of the CDF.

Once called to Councils and other lawful collegial activities, I will personally attend or opportunely respond unless I am impeded.
For me the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 is irrational and heretical. However it is acceptable for the two popes and the CDF.
I affirm EENS like the Magisterium and missionaries in the 16th century.The present popes, cardinals and bishops do not do the same.
So for me they are in public heresy and the popes, cardinals and bishops offer Holy Mass in sacrilege. In public they will not rationally affirm Magisterial documents of the Catholic Church-

At the appointed times or at a fitting moment, I will give an account of my pastoral office to the Apostolic See, and I will compliantly give careful attention to its mandates and measures, and, with great effort, will carry them out with the greatest application.
So the Oath of Fidelity is really an Oath supporting Modernism. It is infedelity with the past Magisterium of the Catholic Church.- Lionel Andrades

So help me God and these Holy Gospels of God, which I am touching with my hands.


I, the undersigned, testify that the aforementioned bishop above gave the oath (as written) above into my hands on this day

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