Saturday, November 3, 2018

Salvini - 2

I affirm all the teachings of the Catholic Church but interpret Salvation Theology traditionally i.e I am not using an irrational premise and inference , like the popes and cardinals, to create a break with traditional exclusive salvation. 
Image result for Photo Matteo Salvini
The political parties in Italy, like Lega, Forza Nuova and Militia Christi, can ask their members to do the same.
So they would be reading Vatican Council II differenly and the Left would object.
Liberal Catholic bishops and priests would protest.Presently the liberals have a monopoly over the false interpretation of Vatican Council II and the Lega,Forza Nuova and Militia Christi would be showing Catholics the truth.
Today in Italy a Catholic seminarian is not free to interpret Vatican Council II rationally. He cannot assume hypothetical cases (LG 8, LG 16 etc) are just hypothetical.Politically the Left forces him to infer that LG 8, LG 16 etc refer to objective people,seen in the flesh and that too saved outside the Church.Though the liberals and the Left know that there are no such non Catholics in real life.
But the seminarian is forced to repeat this irrationality if he wants to be a priest.
He is forced, like the rest of the Catholic Church, to break away from the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi, St,Teresa of Avila, St. Dominic and the founders of religious communities, who upheld exclusive salvation. They did not use a false premise to change the traditional teaching.
So it is time for the pro-Catholic political parties in Italy to challenge the irrationality and political correctness of the Left  which has enter the Catholic Church here.The political parties could ask their Catholic party members  to interpret Vatican Council II rationally. Then they could appeal to all Catholics to also interpret Vatican Council II and all magisterial documents, rationally.
Cardinal Lorenzo Baldiserri and the Sant' Egidio community founder Andrea Riccardi  will oppose the Lega.Also seminarians who want a comfortable and non controversial religion would do the same.

But those who understand how Vatican Council II can be re-interpreted in harmony with St. Francis Xaview and St. Robert Bellarmine on exclusive salvation, will have a vibrant faith.There would no more be falsehoods and compromise for them. They would have their traditional Catholic Identity- and not the one now approved for the Church by the Left.
Image result for Photo of Salvini and LegsImage result for Photo of Salvini and Fonta Lega
Salvini, Fontana and other members of the Lega must give up  compromised Leftist concepts on Vatican Council II. Mission, ecumenism, inter-religious dialogue, Separation of Church and State, Non separation of secularism and state, inter-faith marriages, non Catholics receiving the Eucharist etc.
Also Lefebvrists  must be shown how their traditionalist model of the faith is Leftist.Since Pope Pius XII and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre  chose to interpret extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) according to Cardinal Cushingism i.e there are exceptions to EENS which are not hypothetical but instead are visible.
Probably for political reasons(about that time the state of Israel emerged) Pope Pius and Archbishop Lefebvre did not support Feeneyism i.e literally, invisible people do not exist, hypothetical cases of being saved in invincible ignorance do not exist in our reality.-Lionel Andrades

NOVEMBER 2, 2018


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