Saturday, November 17, 2018

USCCB spokesman would agree with Born Again Christian : New Revelation in the Catholic Church

Image result for Photo of Born Again Christian with placard

If the Born Again Christian would call out the spokesman for the USCCB and state, 'You Catholics believe that everyone does not need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation, there could be an ignorant person saved in invincible ignorance etc', who is not a Catholic'.
The USCCB spokesman  would answer, "Yes",
'But you do not know of any practical exception and yet you believe every one in 2018 does not need to enter the Church to avoid Hell( for salvation to Heaven)?"
The spokesman would say, "Yes.This is the theology of the USCCB on Catholic salvation ".
"This is irrational. There are no practical exceptions. This is also a rupture with the Catholid Church of the 16th century on extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to Pope Benedict XVI( March 2016, Avvenire).
The USCCB spokesman would agree, "It is a rupture".
"The dogma has been rejected and a new salvation doctrine created.It's a new understanding of Church, with a new salvation theology even with no new revelation in the Catholic Church?"
"The new revelation came with Vatican Council II.The USCCB chooses to interpret LG 8, like Cardinal Ladaria at the Placuet Deo Press Conference (March 1,2018).LG 8 etc refer to known non Catholics saved outside the Church. So there is salvation outside the Church for us." This is the official interpretation of the USCCB and the CDF at the Vatican.A Hindu can be saved in his religion without knowing or believing in Jesus.He would be saved through Jesus of course.
"So the Catholic Church in the past was wrong to say outside the Church there is no salvation.It was defined by three Church Councils ?"
Dogmas change their meaning for the USCCB.There is a new understanding of faith and salvation.
The Gospel of John says every one must accept Jesus for salvation but the USCCB says there are exceptions. There are practical exceptions to Jesus' teaching.

-Lionel Andrades

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