Friday, December 14, 2018

Adoration in every diocese : About the 177 Project

The 177 Project is an initiative from Adoration Artists designed to help spark a renewal in parishes across the country. We are firm believers in the power of spending time in front of the Eucharist and want to encourage that through a worshipful evening that fosters community within and across parishes. Over the course of three months, more than a dozen of the most talented artists in Catholic music will split up into teams of two and visit all 177 different dioceses within the US - including those in Alaska, Hawaii, and St. Thomas.
Each evening will be centered around a Holy Hour. Upon conclusion of the Holy Hour, attendees will have the chance to enjoy a concert put on by the musicians traveling as part of the 177 Project. During the event, attendees will have opportunities for confession, to pray for others, to hear about the importance of (and even respond to) vocations, to say the rosary, to engage with local and national ministries, and to interact in a variety of other ways.

About Adoration Artists

At Adoration Artists, we believe that music is one of the few things that can be used to deliver Truth to people at all points in their Christian walks - from the nonbeliever to the devout. Through music, we find moments of connection between the created and the Creator that are impossible to find elsewhere. Five hundred years ago, benefactors ensured that talented creatives had the time and means to create and distribute works of art that glorified God. Our goal is to, collectively, once again provide a mechanism for equipping talented Catholic artists so that they can more effectively use their gifts for evangelization both inside and outside of the Church.
Adoration Artists helps these Catholic musicians fulfill their purpose and mission by investing into them and providing them with the resources and exposure they need to take their gifts and turn it into a career. Through Adoration Artists, we are able to do things like:
  • Put on parish events that feature Catholic musicians
  • Create opportunities to open for larger acts already receiving airplay on Christian radio
  • Supply booking, management, and music publishing services
  • Fund the recording of new music
  • Connect our artists with radio promotion

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