Monday, December 3, 2018

Catechesis without the fire of the Holy Spirit : Tre Fontane Sisters with an excellent website and an evangelization program with a lot of depth

On Saturday evening the Basilica of St.Andrea della Fatte, Rome was full.People were sitting with earphones listening silently to a few religious sisters with a green habit.The church was silent.One Sister was silently speaking softly into a personal microphone with a wireless system.
These Sisters, Missionarie della Divina Rivelaione, have an excellent website and an evangelization program with a lot of depth.
They called the meeting on Saturday a Catechesis on Art.It was focused on the paintings and sculpture in the Church.I was appreciating the silence.Then the sisters asked to speak on the common microphone and I learnt what they  were saying.
I joined them at the column of Our Lady at Piazza Spagna where we were praying the rosary. They left and I was still there trying to complete the rosary.
But their catechesis was polite stuff.They talked about St.Catherine Laboure and the Miraculous Medal and St.Maximilian  Kolbe. St. Teresa of the Child Jesus had come to this altar when she was in Rome with her parents.They did not mention that Teresa stayed at a hotel down the road, San Giuseppe a Capo le Casa.
What was missing was a fire in their catechesis.The fire of the Holy Spirit.
They sounded as politically correct at the Minim Fathers who officiate at this church.
Kolbe believed membership in the Catholic Church was necessary for salvation.They did not say it.
Alphonse Ratisbonne became a priest and missionary since Our Lady showed him in an apparition the beauty and necessity of the Catholic Church for the salvation of all people.Ratsibonne founded a missionary community in the Middle Our Lady was saying extra ecclesiam nulla salus . Outside the Church there is no salvation.
The Sisters distributed Miraculous Medals and explained why they were called miraculous.
They gave examples of how the medal proved miraculous in France.One of the Sisters , must have spoken about the medal and the conversion of Ratisbonne, into the Catholic Church.

These are the sisters in Rome at the sanctuary of Our Lady of Tre Fontane, it is opposite the area where St.Paul was beheaded.
At the Tre Fontane apparitions to Bruno Cornacchiola, Our Lady confirmed Catholic doctrine and the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.At the site of the apparitions there was phenomena in the sky like that at Fatima.-Lionel Andrades

DECEMBER 3, 2018

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