Wednesday, December 5, 2018

In blow to political correctness, Italy wants crucifixes and nativity scenes in all classrooms

In blow to political correctness, Italy wants crucifixes and nativity scenes in all classrooms

ITALY, December 3, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Amid what Italian media is describing as “open war” on school nativity scenes, Italy’s Education Ministry has slapped back, granting approval to installing crucifixes and reinstating nativity scenes in the nation’s classrooms.
“The crucifix is for me the symbol of our history, our culture, our traditions,” said Education Minister Marco Bussetti, speaking to the Federation of Catholic Schools’ annual congress in Rome. “I don't see how it can cause any irritation in our school rooms, on the contrary it may help kids to reflect on our history.”  
Bussetti is not alone.
When a school in the city of Terni, northeast of Rome, cancelled its traditional nativity play in order to respect children from other cultures, Italy’s Interior Minister Matteo Salvini slammed the measure as “IDIOCY,” according to a Voice of Europe report.  
"It is not just about religion,” said Salvini on Facebook, “but about history, roots, culture. I will not give up.”  
“Long live our traditions, and may they spread!” he added.
A representative of the populist Lega Party, Valeria Alessandrini, first brought the situation at the school in Terni to the attention of Italians, saying:
Only by respecting (our own traditions) … can we make others understand everyone is free to practice their own faiths but that it is also required they respect the history and culture of the country in which they live.
I hope that children and young people at the school will be allowed to share with their peers and their parents the most beautiful, intense and meaningful moments of Christmas.
For years, forces have been at work demanding the removal of all expressions of Christianity from Italian schools in order to respect other cultures. In 2009, the European Court of Human Rights ruled against the presence of crucifixes in Italian classrooms.

NOVEMBER 3, 2018

Image result for Photo of Salvini and Legs

The Catholic politicians in Italy can affirm all the teachings of the Catholic Church without an irrational premise and inference : their conclusion would be different from the Left

Inline image

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Image result for Photo Matteo Salvini

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Salvini - 2

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 The Banner of Beatification for Blessed Karl of Austria, Saint Peter's Basilica

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Image result for Name of the President of PolandAndrzej Duda President of Poland does not note the split between Church doctrine and State in Poland because of Cushingism
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Catholics will not vote for the Catholic political parties :The four cardinals are using an irrational philosophy to reject the traditional ecclesiology and interpret Vatican Council II with the same irrationality
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Image result for Photo of the Social Reign of Christ the King
With Feeneyite Vatican Council II the Catholic Church affirms the Social Reign of Christ the King.
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The Council’s words are strong and forthright here, implicitly asserting the sovereignty of Christ over all nations, but we now seldom hear them quoted 

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