Thursday, December 6, 2018

Italy: School drops Jesus’ name from Christmas song to avoid offending Muslims, 10-year-old girl gets it restored

Italy: School drops Jesus’ name from Christmas song to avoid offending Muslims, 10-year-old girl gets it restored


“A 10-year-old girl launched a petition and managed to get Jesus’s name put into a school’s Christmas song after it was left out so as not offend the sensibilities of non-Catholic students.”
Come on. That wasn’t why it was left out. If the non-Catholic students were other Christians, they wouldn’t object to the mention of Jesus. Jews have been in Italy for centuries as it expressed its Christian culture, and schools never abdicated their Christian identity to appease them; nor did they demand such accommodation. This was done to avoid offending Muslims, and Muslims only. Kudos to this 10-year-old girl for taking the initiative and putting a stop to it.
“Girl, 10, gets Jesus into school Xmas song,” ANSA, November 30, 2018 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
(ANSA) – Venezia, November 30 – A 10-year-old girl launched a petition and managed to get Jesus’s name put into a school’s Christmas song after it was left out so as not offend the sensibilities of non-Catholic students….

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