Sunday, December 16, 2018

The faculty of the Thomas More College(TMC) of Liberal Arts, N.H, USA is not eligible to teach according to Canon Law since they reject the Syllbus of Errors , Athanasius Creed, past catechisms, original understanding of the Nicene Creed,the dogma EENS and reinterpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition when it is not: Phil Lawler could be an exception.

The faculty of the Thomas More College(TMC) of Liberal Arts, N.H, USA is not eligible to teach according to Canon Law since they reject the Syllbus of Errors , Athanasius Creed, past catechisms, original understanding of the Nicene Creed, the 16th century version,the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) when it is not.Phil Lawler could be an exception.He needs to clarify this position on this issue.
According to Canon Law, the President, chaplains and tutors must be Catholic, who believe in the teachings of the Catholic Church and express them in public.
An institution which calls itself Catholic is not allowed to change the Creeds, present new versions of EENS and the interpretation of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance (I.I) and reject traditional mission and proclamation because of alleged salvation outside the Church.
The President and faculty of TMC, which operates independently of the local bishop, have changed Catholic doctrine with false reasoning and use a new theology, based on a false premise( physically invisible non Catholics are visible) and false inference( they are examples of salvation outside the Catholic Church) and non traditional conclusion(EENS is contradicted by BOD, BOB and I.I and Vatican Council II(LG 8, LG 16 etc).
This is a rupture between faith and reason and they refer to this new faith and irrational reasoning as being faithful to the 'living Magisterium'.
How can TMC and Bishop Peter Anthony Libasci, the bishop of Manchester,canonically call themselves Catholic ?
Does it mean that those Catholics in the diocese of Manchester, USA who do not use all this irrationality to interpret the Creeds, catechisms, Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents are not Catholics, canonically?
How can the bishop of Manchester and the President of TMC violate the Principle of Non Contradiction in interpreting Church-teachings,including the Creeds,  and not be automatically excommunicated ?
Is it not deception to use a lie, a false premise and inference, to teach new doctrines in the Church without admitting it in public?
Is it not un-ethical, according to secular standards, to continue with this deception and not inform the students and Catholics in general ?
Why cannot the President simply announce that there are no practical exceptions to EENS in 2018?
He could simply state  that there are no personally known cases of non Catholics saved in 2018, or during his lifetime, with BOD, BOB  and I.I.God made it this way.We cannot see BOD, BOB and I.I cases now saved in Heaven.
This is not asking much of a rational, adult Catholic.-Lionel Andrades

DECEMBER 15, 2018

There is a rupture between faith and reaoson at the Thomas More College of Liberal Arts, New Hampshire : the President does not deny it in specific points

 DECEMBER 15, 2018

Summorum Pontificum was bait for the SSPX : they had to accept Vatican Council II with there being known salvation outside the Church
DECEMBER 14, 2018
Faculty at the Thomas More College of Liberal Arts will not theologically and doctrinally discuss this issue

 DECEMBER 13, 2018

At the Thomas More College of Liberal Arts they do not affirm orthodoxy and deny teaching heresy : they follow present day ecclesiastics in a rupture with the past Magisterium

 DECEMBER 13, 2018

Faculty divided

 DECEMBER 12, 2018

Phil Lawler contradicts William and Amy Fahey on the faculty of Thomas More College of Liberal Arts :Nicene Creed changed

DECEMBER 12, 2018

God has no favourites and every one needs to be a member of the Catholic Church for salvation

DECEMBER 12, 2018

 DECEMBER 11, 2018

No clarification or denial from Thomas More College of Liberal Arts : public heresy and sacrilege

 DECEMBER 11, 2018

For centuries Catholic Tradition, the saints and popes taught that all need to be members of Jesus' Mystical Body, with 'faith and baptism'(Ad Genets 7, Vatican Council II), for salvation. Vatican Council II says 'all' and not just those who know or do not know

 DECEMBER 9, 2018

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Thomas More College of Liberal Arts (TMC) is unaware of the mistake in Vatican Council II: Church documents and saints contradict themselves for the faculty

DECEMBER 10, 2018

Mass offered by the Dominican priest Fr.Thomas Crean at the TMC chapel may be valid but it is in scandal. There is an impediment which is not denied by the TMC faculty

DECEMBER 10, 2018

God has chosen to restrict salvation to only membership the Catholic Church, just as he has chosen only women to have babies, water to fall downwards and men to marry only women. The dogma EENS reflects the supernatural truth as God sees it.This is taught to us by the Holy Spirit through the Catholic Church

DECEMBER 8, 2018

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Thomas More College of Liberal Arts rejects Catholic Tradition by irrationally interpreting Vatican Council II. This has the approval of the two popes, the political Left and the college accreditors :I support Tradition by re-interpreting Vatican Council II rationally

DECEMBER 8, 2018

Scandal at the St.Benedict Centers

 DECEMBER 7, 2018

Feast of St.Ambrose : Who can judge an Emperor Valentinian II today ? (Graphics)

DECEMBER 7, 2018

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Alleged faithful college coming to New England,USA is Cushingite and not Feeneyite : interprets Vatican Council II and Catechism with an irrational premise to create a hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition

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