Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The President of Pakistan, wants the United Nations to place restrictions on Catholic beliefs and its proclamation

 Image result for Photo of Our Lady of Guadalupe

 The President of Pakistan Imran Khan does not want me to hold the Catholic Faith in its entirety.He has already criticized Jesus, which would be blasphemy for Catholics.Now he wants the United Nations, to implement blasphemy laws which are already underway in Canada, Britain etc.
As a Catholic I believe outside the Church there is no salvation( Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II) and that all need faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7). Jesus said those who do not believe in Him  in the only Church he founded , would be condemned ( Mk.16:16).Every one needs the baptism of water( John 3:5) in the Catholic Church to avoid Hell. This has been the teaching of the popes and saints over the centuries. So the Catholic Church today indicates most people are in Hell, without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7) and this would include all non Catholics.
The Catholic Church is telling us today that the status of all Muslims,like their prophet, is everlasting fire.This is the teaching of the Catholic Church which Khan and Muslims clerics there,consider blasphemous, but it is the Catholic Faith for me.
As a Catholic, who does not reject Vatican Council II or the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), I believe all Muslims like Imran Khan need to convert into the Catholic Church to save their soul.
The President of Pakistan, wants the United Nations to place restrictions on my Catholic beliefs.
Christians are not free to follow and proclaim their religion in Pakistan, as they are in Europe, and now he wants restrictions placed on Christians throughout the world and he is supported by the Left , which generally support Satan.-Lionel Andrades

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