Sunday, December 9, 2018

Vatican Council II supports the stict interpretation of the dogma EENS not disputed

Comment on the blog The Eponymous Flower
So you do not dispute theologically, that Vatican Council II supports the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). Thank you. I am glad you agree with me, even though it may be grudgingly. This is the point I have been trying to get across to the traditionalists.

 Peter W said...
Ultimately Lionel, this obsessive preoccupation with the EENS doctrine is fruitless because it presumes that God's freedom is constrained by Church doctrine especially this one which is so clearly conditioned by historical, ideological and cultural circumstances.
Lionel: EENS is an indication on how God will judge people. It is based on John 3.5 and Mark 16:16. It is the teaching of the Church guided by the Holy Spirit.
Inspite of ideological, historical and cultural attempts to suppress it, it has made a clear comeback and you do not dispute that it is supported by Vatican Council II (AG 7).

 In effect, Lionel, the Church has ditched this no matter what authorities you quote even Vatican II which has paralleled ecclesiologies and Christologies just to keep everyone happy.
Lionel: The present ecclesiastics have 'ditched it' under pressure from the Left who generally represent Satan.But it is only temporary.
Truth has a way of asserting itself independent of us.

 It was the post Vatican II selective application of the council by the 2800 Council Fathers that has resulted in the quiet shelving of EENS.
Lionel: It was ignorance which did it.There was also a cover up by the CDF etc. Now the truth is out. People know that invisible and non existing people cannot be exceptions to EENs.They know that a person-saved without the baptism of water cannot be visible in Heaven and on earth at the same time.

Get used to it. It'll be so much easier on your nervous system as well as your spiritual and psychological well being.
Lionel. I affirm EENS which is the teaching of the Catholic Church before, in and after Vatican Council II. It is guided by the Holy Spirit. I do not have to fight with the truth. It's a wonderful situation.
All the loose ends are tied and there no more is confusion on this subject.
Some 20 years back I asked myself : when I meet a non Catholic is he going to Heaven or Hell. I asked priests too and they could not answer.
Now the answer is clear,since Vatican Council II does not contradict EENS and nor itself for me.
When I meet a non Catholic I know that he or she is on the way to Hell since EENS is the norm and BOD, BOB and I.I are not the norm.
Also practically there cannot be exceptions to the norm; to EENS.-Lionel Andrades

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