Monday, December 3, 2018

What about the two popes will they oppose each other?

Comments from the blog Vox Cantoris
Irenaeus said...

Your point about the baptism by desire, baptism by blood and invincible ignorance, Lionel? How are they relevant to the discussion at hand? Also, the German bishops have been ripe for schism - I dare say they are already - for a while now. Not sure what this has to do with Ann Barnhardt, either.

In many ways.
Both the present popes interpret baptism of desire(BOD),baptism of blood (BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) as referring to known non Catholics saved outside the Church. While for me they refer to invisible and hypothetical cases only.
So they interpret extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with this irrationality. This is a mortal sin of faith.It is heresy. They are automatically excommunicated.A pope cannot reject de fide doctrines and a dogma and still be a pope.Canon Law would not permit this for a cardinal, bishop or priest.
But I do not expect you and Ann to admit this since this is the same irrationality used by the both of you and also Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the SSPX bishops.

We have popes in heresy but so also traditionalist bloggers and they are unable to explain themselves in writing.

As I have mentioned in the initial comment on this thread that Ann refers to a false premise in her talks. Yet she uses the false premise to interpret BOD,BOB and I.I to create a rupture with Tradition.

Secondly if Pope Benedict says that he is not the pope and for him Pope Francis is the pope what more is there to say?

Thirdly, when the present popes or the new SSPX Superior General says that BOD BOB and I.I refer to invisible and hypothetical cases, it means the German bishops have to choose schism. Since they will not affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS ?
What about the two popes will they oppose each other?-Lionel Andrades

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