Saturday, May 19, 2018

Milano protesta di FN: “6.000.000 di aborti, genocidio italiano!”

Questa notte Forza Nuova Milano ha voluto lanciare un forte messaggio in vista del 9^ corteo No 194 che si terrà questo sabato nel centro della città meneghina alla presenza del Segretario nazionale, Roberto FioreFiore. Uno striscione recante la scritta “6.000.000 di aborti, Genocidio Italiano” è stato attaccato di fronte alla clinica Macedonio Melloni, centro d’eccellenza della sanità lombarda ma, nel contempo, tra i principali ospedali milanesi dove è possibile abortire. Forza Nuova ribadisce quello che è il primo dei suoi 8 punti fondativi sin dal 1997: la necessità di abolire la legge 194, di cui quest’anno cade il quarantesimo anniversario e dalla cui approvazione oltre 6 milioni di bambini italiani sono stati uccisi. Oggi, con il progetto di sostituzione etnica del popolo italiano più che mai in avanzamento, si può comprendere a pieno la scelleratezza di una legge assassina che, lungi dal rappresentare un punto di svolta per la libertà della donna, ha invece sancito la cancellazione del suo ruolo di Madre come cardine della società. Lo Stato, oggi, dovrebbe accettare l’esito tragico di 40 anni di 194 e tornare a supportare attivamente la famiglia e la maternità (come la nostra proposta di legge Reddito alle Madri) con programmi mirati a un aumento massiccio della natalità e all’aiuto economico concreto a tutte le famiglie italiane in difficoltà e a tutte le donne, soprattutto giovani, oggi indotte ad abortire dal totale e criminale abbandono in cui vengono lasciate da uno Stato indifferente e attento solo ai bisogni degli ultimi arrivati.

Abortion pictures absent at the Rome March for Life today

Colored photos of fetus' and aborted babies were absent today at the Rome March for Life.There were thousands present for the procession from Piazza Repubblica to Piazza Venezia.But the placards and banners were largely religious. The photos of aborted babies which were there at the March for Life last year,were missing.
A few days back the Mayor banned a pro life advertisement .
The campaign group CitizenGo tweeted an image of one of its posters in Rome

Also in April a pro life advertisement was banned in Rome.

I joined the procession at the rear end and prayed my rosary along.There were many Italian pro life groups present.Cardinal Raymond Burke was there I was told.
The prohibition of the pro life posters and pictures shows that the Left has finally got some opposition on the abortion issue. They have had it easy all these years.
The Catholic Church is not allowed to oppose abortion in Italy. But recently there has been a new initiative among lay Italian Catholics.
Image result for Marcia per la vita CitezinGo Youtube twitter
The April-ban of the pro life advertisement by the Mayor which was followed by a protest by pro-lifers in Rome was an opening, a new  opposition to abortion.
Pornographic material is sold at the newspaper stands since it is pro-Satan but there is no freedom of opinion for pro-life posters.
So the pro-life posters are important for the Left.This is confirmed.We now know what pinches them.
The posters have an effect.They get results. They show the hollowness of the pro abortion movement and the priority that Satan gives to abortion all over the world.
A small  group of Italians pray the rosary every alternative first Saturday in front of the San Giovanni Addolorata hospital in Rome.The leader of the group has to get the permission from the police before the meeting and there is a prohibition on photos of aborted babies.
Giorgio Meloni a young member of the Italian parliament was present at the March for Life today and there were other Italian politicians there too from  Meloni's political party. May be she could bring this issue of pro-life posters and advertisements being banned,before the new Parliament.
Also present was Lorenzo Fontana, Vice President of the Camera of Deputies and  Giancarlo Giorgetti, head of the Lega group of the Camera, the Italian Parliament according to Correspondenza Romana.
There is freedom in Rome for blasphemy and pornography but not for pictures of the reality of abortion.The Left wants to hide the truth.
On the streets and at the metro stations  are advertisements of semi naked men and women advertising summer wear.For Catholics this is a mortal sin.Immodesty is a mortal sin and leads to Hell.Possibly because it leads to Hell, that the Administration in Rome gives it so much prominence.This is the fruits of secularism. It is pro-Satan.
Similarly there will be quasi naked people at the beach which makes it a restricted area for only those who can stomach all that.This was not part of the culture of Italy some 150 years back.-Lionel Andrades



March for Life today

Image result for Gianni Alemanno a Marcia per la Vita Roma PhotoImage result for Gianni Alemanno a Marcia per la Vita Roma PhotoImage result for Photo Militia Christi with Mons. Ignacio Barreiro at  March for life RomeImage result for Gianni Alemanno a Marcia per la Vita Roma PhotoImage result for Gianni Alemanno a Marcia per la Vita Roma Photo

The March for Life will begin today afternoon in Rome at the Piazza Repubblica  and participants will include Catholics who do not affirm the traditional Catholic teaching on no salvation outside the Church, out of fear of reprisals from the Left.They know that Vatican Council II is not a rupture with the traditional exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church. It is clear, for some of them, that there are no practical exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) as it was known to the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century.But they will not say it in public.They will not say that the Catholic Church today, in Vatican Council II, indicates all non Catholics are oriented to the fires of  Hell, since they die without 'faith and baptism'(Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II) in the Catholic Church.Since there are restrictions on free speech placed by the political Left.
Image result for Photo Fr. Joseph Kramer FSSP at  March for life RomeImage result for Photo Militia Christi with Mons. Ignacio Barreiro at  March for life Rome

So the March for Life leaders and organizers  will correctly speak on the abortion issue but will not expect Catholics to say all non Catholics, with no known exception, need to enter and remain in the Catholic Church to avoid the fires of Hell.They will not teach their children that all non Catholics are oriented to Hell according to Vatican Council II(Ad Gentes 7-all need faith and baptism for salvation) and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus( outside the Church there is no salvation,Council of Florence 1441).

The Catholic Church in its magisterial documents still today teaches that 'the ordinary way of salvation' is EENS and 'faith and baptism'(AG 7).The Church today still says it knows of people who are in Hell since they have died outside the Church. Families are not teaching this to their children.
Image result for Photo Fr. Joseph Kramer FSSP at  March for life RomeImage result for Photo Mons. Ignacio Barreiro at  March for life Rome
Families need to teach their children that we do not know any one in 2018 who will be an exception to the ordinary means of salvation.

Instead the March for Life leaders hold the liberal position on salvation. They allege that there are known cases of non Catholics saved with the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I), outside the Church. They also say that there are known cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church as it is is referred to in LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc.So for Catholic families, with all this doctrinal confusion from conservatives, the alleged exceptions are the ordinary way of salvation or at least exceptions to the old concept on no salvation outside the Church.

Image result for Photo Fr. Francesco Giordano March for life Rome
One of the participants at today's March for Life will be Fr. Francesco Giordano,Executive Director of Human Life International, Rome.He will not affirm exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church since there will be repercussions professionally for him.At the University of St.Thomas Aquinas, Rome he teaches students that invisible cases of the baptism of desire etc are physically visible exceptions to the dogma EENS.So in public he does not hold the strict interpretation of EENS as did the Jesuits in the Middle Ages.
Yet Fr. Giordano will expect Catholics to follow the teachings of the Church on contraception and euthanasia. He rejects Vatican Council II (AG 7) for personal and prudent reasons but expects other Catholics to be faithful to moral teachings of the Church.
Image result for Photo Fr. Joseph Kramer FSSP at  March for life Rome

Also present at today's March for Life will be Fr. Joseph Kramer FSSP, the Rector of the church Santissima Trinita dei Pellegrini, Rome who will not provide his telephone and e-mail number, for a pamphlet,  with citations from Dominus Iesus and the CDF Notification on Fr. Jacques Dupuis S.j.  He offers the Traditional Latin Mass(TLM) with the New Theology and the Novus Ordo Mass ecclesiology and is politically correct with the Left who represent Satan.
Image result for Photo Militia Christi with Mons. Ignacio Barreiro at  March for life Rome

Then there will be John Henry Weston, the Editor of LifeSiteNews who will there like Prof. Roberto dei Mattei, who also does not want to be called a Feeneyite.So invisible cases of being saved in invincible ignorance, without the baptism of water, will, for the both of them, be interpreted as being visible exceptions to Feeneyite EENS and Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II.This would make them politically correct with the Left.
Image result for Photo Mons. Ignacio Barreiro at  March for life Rome

So it is easy for all of them to be pro-life but not pro salvation.So yesterday at the Voice of the Family conference Cardinal Raymond Burke spoke about the Social Reign of Christ the King without saying it was necessary that every one be Catholic to avoid Hell.Instead he spoke in positive terms mentioning the Sacred Heart devotion but not on the necessity of the non separation of Church and State.
Image result for Photo Militia Christi with Mons. Ignacio Barreiro at  March for life RomeImage result for Photo  Law No.194 at  March for life Rome
The presence of the few ecclesiastics at the March for Life will be a good sight as was that of the Mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno a few years back.It is nice to see them walk peacefully through the streets of Rome, with many of the young people there enjoying themselves.
Image result for Photo   No.194 at  March for life Rome

The March for Life coincides with the inauguration in May 22,1978 of the Italian Black Law No.194 which made abortion legal.Since then there are about 1,00,000 Italians killed legally in the womb every year.
Yesterday in the USA the Trump Administration, which says abortion is not a human right, announced plans to ban Federal funds for family planning clinics which perform or refer for abortions.

In Italy abortion is available free on demand and it is subsidized by the State.The Catholic Church is not permitted to oppose abortion. So there are no official groups praying the rosaries in front of the abortion clinics and the display posters with aborted fetus' are not allowed. Permission is required from the police.

The Mayor of Rome Virgina Raggi a few days back approved the removal of posters in Rome which linked abortion with femicide it is reported.Usually the things of Satan are promoted while restrictions are placed on the Catholic Church.Priests at Holy Mass are not allowed to speak about Hell and no salvation outside the Church.
The Mayor's Five Star political party which is in a coalition government in Italy had also approved same sex marriages during the past Renzi government. Even though they promote values which lead to Hell Italians vote for them.

The leftist concept of separation of Church and State requires the popes and bishop not to speak against abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia and other Satanic values.They are also not allowed to support the separation of Satanic secularism and state to be replaced with the non separation of Church and State as at the times of the papal states in Italy when human rights flourished and millions were not killed in their mother's womb.-Lionel Andrades

Buona notizia_universitari per la vita_40 giorni_Chiessi

' Municipality of Rome (in the person of the Mayor Virginia Raggi) was solicited to remove our posters by feminist groups and leftist national politicians'- Filippo Savarese,CitizenGO

"The Municipality of Rome (in the person of the Mayor Virginia Raggi) was solicited to remove our posters by feminist groups and leftist national politicians," CitizenGO's Filippo Savarese told PJ Media. Raggi's administration "ordered the company which manages the installations we rent to remove the images because these would violate the Regulation on publicity in public space which condemns 'messages against personal freedom and civil rights.'"
The feminist group Facebook Rebel Network called on Rome's Mayor Virginia Raggi to remove the pro-life posters immediately.
Others also attacked the billboards as "offensive and gross," arguing that the posters were better fitted to the year 1018 rather than 2018.

According to CitizenGO, the municipality of Rome caved to these demands and had the posters removed. "The municipality of Rome censors the poster #stopaborto of CitizenGO," the organization announced on Twitter.

7 April 2018

Italy: Anti-abortion poster is censored and removed in Rome

Cardinal Müller: Accusation of ‘homophobia’ is an instrument of ‘totalitarian dominance’

Featured Image
May 18, 2018 (OnePeterFive-Maike Hickson ) – Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has given an interview to the Italian journalist Costanza Miriano, who works for the Italian television broadcaster RIA. In this new interview, the German cardinal rejects the notion of "homophobia" and explains that it is an instrument of an ideology that is contrary to reality.
Miriano posted the interview on her own private blog, on which she also promotes two books of hers in which she advocates the traditional understanding of marriage – namely, that wives be subject to their husbands and that husbands protect their wives even with their lives. In her own introduction to the new interview, she rejects the notion of "homophobia" – i.e., an aversion against homosexuals.
According to Giuseppe Nardi of – who himself reports on this new interview – the aim of much of this gender ideology is to remove homosexuality, and more recently transsexuality, from the World Health Organization (WHO) catalog of diseases. (In fact, homosexuality was already removed from the catalog in 1990, demonstrating the effectiveness of such a strategy.)
Miriano's interview with Cardinal Müller comes in the context of his upcoming participation in the presentation of a book about a man who has homosexual inclinations but who resists them, and now describes the ideologization of this problem.
The author's name is Daniel C. Mattson, and his book's title is Why I Don't Call Myself Gay: How I Reclaimed My Sexual Reality and Found Peace. (The book was first published by Ignatius Press, in 2017.) Cardinal Robert Sarah wrote the preface for the Italian version of the book, and Cardinal  Müller will present it on 25 May in Rome.
In his interview with Mrs. Miriano, herself a mother of four, Cardinal Müller says the following about the concept of homophobia, in the context of the 17 May International Day Against Homophobia:
Homophobia simply does not exist. It is clearly an invention and an instrument of the totalitarian dominance over the thoughts of others. The homo-movement is lacking scientific arguments, that is why it created an ideology which wants to dominate by creating its own reality. It is the Marxist pattern according to which reality does not create thinking, but thinking creates its own reality. He who does not accept this created reality is to be considered as being sick. It is as if one could influence an illness with the help of the police or with the help of courts. In the Soviet Union, Christians were put into psychiatric clinics. These are the methods of totalitarian regimes, of National Socialism and of Communism. The same happens in North Korea to those who do not accept the reigning way of thinking.
Costanza Miriano points out that she knows of several bishops who are more conservative, but who at the same time support such initiatives against homophobia, and she asks Cardinal Müller why they accept this "game." Cardinal Müller responds

Some bishops today do not have the courage anymore to speak the truth, and they allow themselves to be intimidated. They do not understand that homophobia is a deception which serves to threaten people. But we Christians may not have fear in the face of threats. In the first centuries [after Christ], the disciples of Jesus were put into prison, or one had them eaten up by wild beasts. Today one tears them apart with the help of psycho terror, while at the same time making use of the lack of knowledge. However, from a bishop and from a priest, one may expect that he is capable of looking behind these ideologies. We are the ones who try, with the help of God's Grace, to love all people, also those who feel attracted to the same sex. But it must be clear that to love does not mean to obey the gender propaganda.
With reference to Daniel C. Mattson, the author of the new book, Cardinal Müller says that he tells his own story of his homosexuality in light of these current ideologies and that he rejects being called "gay." The cardinal insists that "he who feels such an attraction has to live chastely, just as all, all of us who are not live in a valid and true marriage have to do."
When asked about the fact that currently this gender agenda is being promoted by many governments in the West, the German cardinal responds, saying that "our politicians in Europe have to take care of many people, of those without work, of the problem of the lack of births, of the family, of many serious problems." Instead, he adds, "they are busy turning our democracies into totalitarian systems. Ideology in itself is violent." "How can a parliament decide what is true and what not?" asks Müller.
With regard to the current attempts at undermining the teaching on contraception as laid out in Humanae Vitae, the cardinal says that he explains this phenomenon "with the secularization of the Church." "For some shepherds, the Church is only a means in order to make politics, in order to please people," he adds. "For them, it is more important to respect the masses, rather than to respect the Word of God."