Monday, January 7, 2019

All this confusion and doctrinal innovation is allowed at Mass for Longenecker and Kwasniewski and they do not complain.They want to affirm the doctrines of the Left even when they are heretical

Monday, January 07, 2019

Twelve Reasons Not to Prefer the Novus Ordo: A Reply to Fr. Longenecker


Comprising the usual bromides on behalf of the Novus Ordo, none of which stands up to critical scrutiny, Fr. Longenecker’s article is yet another restatement of the neoconservative party line that “the postconciliar Church is fundamentally sound, ladies and gentlemen, so keep moving along.” Those who are going to defend the monumental rupture that is the Novus Ordo are going to have to find much better arguments than the ones proffered to us by Fr. Longenecker.
Lionel: The theology of the Novus Ordo Mass of Fr. Longnecker and Mass in Latin which Prof. Peter Kwasniewki defends, is irrational, heretical and non traditional.
The fault does not lie with Vatican Council II but their irrational interpretation of the Council.
For me the Conciliar Church affirms Feeneyite EENS, the past ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and the possibility of proclaiming the Social Reign of Christ the King, for those who want to do so.

It is a classic straw man to claim, as Fr. Longenecker does at the start of his article, that “there are some who seem to think every problem in the church and the world can be laid at the door of the dreaded Novus Ordo.” I have never read any traditionalist author who thinks this or says it. Yes, we all think the Novus Ordo is a rupture with Catholic tradition and a disaster in the life of the Church, but we are well aware that it does not exist in a vacuum. Other problems regularly pointed out include modernism, consequentialism, hyperpapalism, feminism, the homosexual clerical power caste, the liberal separation of Church and State – indeed, the list is lengthy. All of these problems are, sooner or later, connected with one another. The liturgical reform is the “poster child” of the revolution that has divorced today’s Catholic mainstream from the Catholicism of all ages, but behind every poster is a propaganda office and an ideology.
Lionel: The root of the problem is confusing what is invisible as being visible. Then with this new reality, interpreting magisterial documents, especially Vatican Council II.
The result is modernisn,consequentialism, the theology for the liberal separation of Church and State, the new ecumenism, the new concept of Church, mission with Protestants...

The traditional liturgy has taught me that my likes and dislikes do not and should not have any effect on the Mass. Rather, it is the Mass, preexisting in its solidity and density, that shapes my loves and hatreds, in accord with what it shows me, impresses on me, leads me to understand after a long apprenticeship. It was the same way with the disciples and Jesus. He was not as they expected He would be, but He did not bend to the likes and dislikes of zealots, Pharisees, tax-collectors, or fishermen. He patiently but authoritatively made them conform to Him.

I can understand a priest wishing to believe that the liturgy he has been given by “the Church” may be simply accepted as it is, no worries, no bones about it. But the Lord is extending a special mercy to us during this seismic reign of Pope Francis: the opportunity to wake up to the dangers of an exaggerated ultramontanism that prompts Catholics to swallow whatsoever a reckless pope wants to shove down their throats, even when it runs against the papacy’s ministry of receiving, preserving, and defending tradition.
Lionel: The false theology and philosophy which is at the basis of a new  understanding of ecclesiology is heretical. It was also promoted during the pontificate of Pope Benedict.
Summorum Pontificum came with the false ecclesiology.

This new year of grace is an invitation to rediscover, or renew our appreciation for, the inheritance we have received as Catholics. One place to begin might be a different list from the one we have critiqued: “Ten Reasons to Attend the Traditional Latin Mass.”

Lionel: Kwasniewski and Longenecker do not deny that they have rejected the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS and they attend/offer Holy Mass.
They do not deny that invisible cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are visible exceptions to EENS. So the Catechisms are a rupture with the past ecclesiology for them. Vatican Council II is a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors of Pius IX for them.
The Syllabus of Errors is a rupture with the Catechism of Pope Pius X for them etc, etc.
All this confusion and doctrinal innovation is allowed at  Mass for them and they do not complain.They  want to affirm the doctrines of the Left  even when they are heretical.-Lionel Andrades

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