Monday, January 21, 2019

Anniversary of Our Lady's apparitions to Alphonse Ratisbonne at the Basilica of Sant Andrea delle Fratte, Rome

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Alphonse Ratisbonne saw the beauty of the Catholic religion said Fr. Francesco Trebionda, Parish Priest at the Basilica of Andrea delle Fratte, Rome. He was speaking yesterday evening before the solemn Mass offered by Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco. It was the 177 th anniversary of Our Lady's apparitions at the Altar of the Miracle, to the Jewish financier.
Cardinal Bagnasco said that Ratisbonne was a Jew and he chose to become a Catholic.He was speaking at a basilica full of the faithful.
There were three Masses yesterday evening and the Church was packed, probably it was the same in the morning.
For Ratisbonne there were only Catholics in  Heaven and you were either a Catholic or in Hell.
Our Lady didn't tell him to remain a Jew, but to choose her Son, the promised Jewish Messiah, in the religion which is a continuation of the Jewish religion- the Catholic Church.
Ratisbonne knew that everyone must convert into the Catholic Church to avoid Hell, and so he went as a missionary priest to the Middle East. He wanted all Jews and Muslims to discover the beauty he was shown.
Years later at the Altar of the Miracle St. Maximillian Kolbe would offer his first Holy Mass and St. Teresa of Liseux would pray, when she first visited Rome and lived on the street leading to the  basilica.
In 1965, Vatican Council II like Ratisbonne, would say all need faith and baptism for salvation(Ad Gentes 7) and in 1994  the Catechism of the Catholic Church would repeat the same message - there are only Catholics in Heaven( CCC 846).Catholics are the new people of God, the new Chosen People (Nostra Aetate 4), they have not rejected the Messiah nor his Mother, conceived without sin.
It is necessary to follow the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church on faith and morals for salvation.
The Bible is Catholic and the Eucharist is the actual Presence of Jesus, which it is necessary to receive to be saved, the Bible tells us( John 6).
Jesus cannot be separated from His Mystical Body the Catholic Church, which is the narrow gate (Matt.7:13),the pearl of great price(Mat.13:45-46), it is Jesus Himself, who identified with the Church during the persecution of Saul.'He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying, "Saul, Saul why do you persecute me?" '.(Acts.9:4)
The Jesus, whom Ratisbonne preached will return again and it will be a pure remnant in the Catholic Church who will welcome him.Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph in the end, even in Rome, after a persecution.
The Catholic Church will once again be evangelical and missionary, with traditional doctrines and theology. The 'dogma of the faith', which Alphonse Ratisbonne defended,  will no more be lost.
-Lionel Andrades


January 19, 2019

Tomorrow is the 177th anniversary of Our Lady's apparitions to Alphonse Ratisbonne

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