Sunday, January 27, 2019

Canada: Social worker from Catholic church that brought accused jihadi into country says arrest a “total shock”

Canada: Social worker from Catholic church that brought accused jihadi into country says arrest a “total shock”


Of course the news of this young Muslim being arrested for a jihad mass murder plot came as a “total shock” to Bronek Korcynski. The church groups that bring Muslim migrants into Canada and the U.S. do so without the slightest concern for the possibility that any of them are or might become jihad terrorists. Even to consider that possibility would be “Islamophobic.” They know nothing of Qur’anic teaching or Islam’s doctrine of jihad. Their Pope tells them it’s a religion of peace. And so of course they’re shocked when reality breaks through.
“Youth charged with terrorism in connection to Kingston raids; 2nd person arrested, not charged,” by Rebecca Joseph and Stewart Bell, Global News, January 25, 2019:
RCMP have charged one youth with terrorism-related offences Friday morning in relation to raids at two Kingston, Ont., residences. A second adult male was arrested, but charges have not yet been laid.
The raids happened at two homes Thursday night.
RCMP said the “Youth Criminal Justice Act prevents any further release of information regarding this individual.” The charges include “knowingly facilitating a terrorist activity,” and “Counselling a person to deliver, place, discharge or detonate an explosive or other lethal device” in a public place.
One of the houses belonged to a refugee family that fled to Canada from Syria. The family, whose adult son was arrested but not charged, was sponsored by four churches, including Our Lady of Lourdes church.
According to documents from the church, the family was sponsored by the congregation to come to Canada in 2016. The church helped the family, which was originally from Damascus, Syria, travel to Kingston from Kuwait.
Bronek Korcynski oversaw the church’s sponsorship of the family, which lasted a year. He said the son of the family was arrested in the raid.
“I was intimately involved with the sponsorship as co-chair of the group so I know the family very well,” Korcynski said. “This has come as a total shock.”
“It’s just so completely beyond anything we’ve experienced with the family. This is a group of people who have expressed nothing but gratitude for our assistance and to Canada for being able to welcome them.
“Their priority has been to build a new life here.”
Korcynski said the family’s son was working to get his high school marks up so he could get into university.
“I have been in contact with the father and I know right now their heads are spinning.”
Documents from St Thomas Church, which was part of the group sponsoring the family, said the father had once been imprisoned for not joining Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s political party. It also said their home in Damascus was destroyed, and the family would be “vulnerable to arrest and ‘extreme measures’” if they returned to Syria.
The people who reside at the second house involved in the investigation were kind, a neighbour told Global News.
“They’re very nice, they brought food over at Christmas, and dropped off some canned good and welcomed me to the neighbourhood, they helped me move a couch in,” neighbour said…

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